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I don't have anything new to post because of an eventful weekend (much less fun than it sounds) so here's something I yanked from the archives.  The cat was my "DOZ Comics" logo.  His name is officially Ed.  He's talking about a generic Furry cartoon zine called "FANZINE" which I produced in small batches of .. 30?  50?  small run, either way .. at the local Kinko's copy store back in 1996.  If I recall, it ran for 12 issues.  Had contributors and everything!  It wasn't just me!

This ad ran in the most logical place:  On the back cover of the zine itself.

Those issues are probably worth a mint now.  If you happen to have one, you could trade it for a pillow mint, or a Brach's starlight mint!  Well worth it, indeed!




You might need two issues to trade, if you're talking about the big full-sized patty.

Simone Spinozzi

hmmm... still... we're here if you want to run the issues with us. 😏


Well heck an' all, sounds like sympathies are in order on the non-fun eventfulness.


It was a DIY sink repair that got more complicated than it should have been. I don't deal well with problems, and the extended quarantine has made that part of me worse than ever. And Sunday is always busy with things other than what I do for Patreon, so I ran out of time.


I can't properly use other people's art here. My own contributions you'll see eventually, but the entire FANZINE will (by necessity) be forever lost to history.

Justin Carpenter

I fondly remember meeting you at -- was it ConFurence East? -- and purchasing the run (up to then) of Fanzine. They were nifty things indeed.


It was either ConFurence East or the first two Mephit Furmeets. Them's the only conventions I ever went to.