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I dunno, Mondegreen...  Seems to me, asking for birthday greetings from the Duchess of Daisies is a good way to make sure you won't be around for the next one!




I wouldnt mind spending time in birthday suits with her myself. I`m not an easy guy to get rid of

Simone Spinozzi

i mean, she's just unseelie, what is the worst that could happen?


I'm sure my Runei could live either way. alcohol on his world would put a dwarf into a hospital.


Doodle Request: The Stoned Buck escaped Albric Tor and has found himself in the lowfolk world. He is quite happy at first because weed has been legalized by the lowfolk, but he has a conspiracy fraught panic attack when he realizes how heavily taxed weed is in this land.


Birthday greetings from a hot babe, woo! I’ll be fine, she says the drinks aren’t poisoned! What’s that, there are other unseelie ways of killing? Oh....