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Angela chuckled after recovering her equilibrium.  "I will go & get teh bestest mushrooms, LOL."

She wrung her hands strangely and flitted off into the forest.

I sat, placidly thinking about nothing in particular, and watching my stew simmer.  It was coming along nicely.

"Mushrooms, Adler sweetums," Angela chirped.

"Just set them down right there," I murmured, with a vague gesture.

I stirred some more.  It was beginning to smell quite intriguing.

Time to taste it.

"Ah yes," I declared after a cautious sip.  "This will do adequately.  Not bad at all, considering what I had to work with."

"What about my mushrooms?" Angela asked petulantly.

"What mushrooms?"

"Teh ones I brought from teh forest 4 U!"

"Oh, er, thanks for bringing them," I waffled, not at all sure where they were.  "But it turns out they won't be necessary."

"Now then," I continued, taking another taste of the stew.  "What would go well with this earthy, savory, insectoid flavor?  Ah yes, of course .. a light white wine."

I tried to recollect the exact location of the Royal wine cellar.  I guided my mind down imaginary halls of the palace, based on my memory .. I visualized racks of bottles .. I selected two .. and willed them through the ether to me!

"Oh," I muttered as I looked at the labels.  Apparently I had not accurately remembered the way to the wine cellar.  One bottle proudly declared its contents to be "PERSOC GLOW 2-in-1 fur shampoo & conditioner infused with real Peach Essence" and the other was "ADLAND'S OWN Hoof & Horn Gloss."

Well, I wouldn't be drinking either of these .. but the shampoo might be handy as a gift to bestow upon my hair-obsessed cult followers.  I put both bottles into my Elfintory and began eating my stew, using as a bowl a fancy gravy boat that I managed to pull from the kitchen.

I had eaten my fill and begun wondering what I should do to spruce up the stone circle for my cultists' visit, when my Ixies returned with news.

"The rabbits are uptight and hate all forms of fun," they reported.  "Meanwhile Jerry hath become something akin to a Village Idiot, somehow commanding more respect than usually pertaineth to that position.  It could be due to Lady Hawke's inexplicable support.  She backeth his uncouth projects - lately he hath taken to pinning shoes all over his body as some form of spiritual armour - at no visible benefit to herself."

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Walter Reimer

Apport . . . a shrubbery! Then apport . . . another shrubbery, this time slightly above the first one so you get a nice two-level effect with a little path between them.

Simone Spinozzi

hmmmm... i would add a chair for the sunny days. And probably some straw hat.