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There isn't going to be anything else to do all month, so get your Doodle requests in and I'll get to work on 'em.  Deadline for this month is the 25th because as long as I'm healthy I expect to have plenty of time to draw.  Requests after the 25th will be rolled over to June.

Requests must appear in the comments of the most recent Doodle-tier post.

R rated or tamer.  Nudity OK, female preferred.  Males can't have erections showing, and venery scenes will be composed so naughty bits don't show.

My characters or yours; third party characters only with clear permission from owner.  No fan art of corporate-owned characters from games, TV, movies, etc.

Production time is one hour, including reading your request and doing necessary research.  So if it's an elaborate scene with 5 characters and lots of reference images to look at, the drawing's going to have to be rushed & sloppy.  Take it into account.

EDIT:  Here's a tip if you have trouble including reference image URLs in your comment (seems to happen on mobile and Mac) .. if the image is on FurAffinity you can just type "FA" followed by the post's index number found at the end of its web address.  For example, if the URL was "furaffinity.net/view/12345678" then you can tell me "FA 12345678" and that gives me enough information to find the post.  If your ref is on some other image host .. well .. I don't know a shortcut like this for other sites, so good luck.



Grossfunk and his Dull Instrument, post PLADGE. The DI is dazed and covered in pie filling. G is licking his own fingers clean, looking on the bright side of things.


Cass in the storeroom at work getting screwed against the wall from behind by her co-worker Harvey, maybe while the fox guy stands by waiting his turn.  Cass should be saying: "Now that I'm letting you guys stick it in my butt, do you promise to stay away from Dani?"  Harvey should be responding: "Sure thing, Cassandra!", but with his fingers crossed behind his back (if included, the other guy should be crossing his fingers as well).


Basically an expansion on the prior doodle. Cass, Dani, and Rina at the same table only now Cass and Dani are drunk... and Rina is tipsy as well due to trying to come up with a way to 'deal' with the two of them.

Serge Skunk

I hope you are taking care and being safe and healthy over everything that is happening. I know it's been a bit of a anxious stressful time for everyone. For my months doodle, I was hoping to request a picture of my character Gabriel looking like a refined dapper gentleman. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29315316/ (nsfw artistic ref nudity)


I wish to see a drunken and uncooperative Duchess Catherine being escorted out of a ball pit in a children's play area whilst exclaiming all manner of expletives, please.


Just draw my panda character (now with updated ref sheet> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kvb61qyob9s8kwu/AABki_uYc9WcidugWOjtSeb1a/stevie-by-licos-2019.jpg?dl=0 ) doing what pandas do best: sleeping -- curled up on a large couch snoring while ignoring the news of the quarantine broadcasting from some device just off screen.

Walter Reimer

My bobcat character Cindy (ref https://www.furaffinity.net/view/35214590/ -NSFW), seen from behind, naked, doing squats with a weight bar across her shoulders. About 100 kilograms on the bar. Four piercings in her right ear, five in her left.


hes probably in cahoots with the old kris kringle I bet!


following the theme of my commission request since its April and my birthday month how about Hester sitting in my lap as we share some birthday cake? nothing lewd (though I mean she can be topless if shes in the Egyptian outfit just lots of sweetness ^_^

Major Matt Mason

The Wolf Queen is adding appended notes to a scroll. She's scribbling in high choler. Behind her, WW5 and Tali are waiting for her to finish, so they can put their two coppers in on the annotation...


H.P Lovecraft held up inside of his room wearing a respirator mask and hiding from the outside world, he is surrounded by toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and canned beans. Vanessa is knocking on the door trying to get him to come to the beach with her.

Major Matt Mason

Actually, I wanna save that one for next month. Instead... Tessie is using the Regalia's new powers to see a vision of the Wolf Queen. She spots WQ and Tali doing snugglebunnies. Ooo-er, who can't see the vision, is wondering why Tessie has such an odd expression on her face.

Simone Spinozzi

Arke. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/35527537/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33786621/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33786621/ flying like a beagle: https://www.pngkey.com/png/full/199-1992719_a-few-peanuts-snoopy-charlie-brown-preservation-fly.png Basically: arke is sitting on a dog house with the aviator helmet on, and looking rather perplexed, saying: "I have no idea what this means."