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This would have been posted earlier but Windows decided now was the time to upgrade and sync a bunch of files to OneDrive whether I wanted to or not.

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Major Matt Mason

Yeah, we can trust those two as far as we can throw Albric Tor Cathedral...

Simone Spinozzi

they seem respectable fellows, im sure that Zandar is totally not counting on them spilling the whole can of beans and taking credit.

Walter Reimer

" . . . and they immediately took ship for Eire, and were never seen again."

Wm. Van Ness

Well, she did promise to sabotage the Egyptian expedition, so sending them off to Erie on a wild elf chase would do the job!


she looks almost gleeful in the bottom left panel there. really cute even!


She's realizing the cleverness of her ruse as she makes it up on the spot.