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Massive willpower fail!  New modules acquired!

Ordinarily only Super Secret Double First Class gets these video courtesy links, but Patreon isn't letting me assign posts to tiers, so HOORAY! you all get to see it.

This bodes ill for Doodles though.  The whole point of exclusive content is you're paying extra to get something that Steerage passengers don't get, so I'm not posting any more upper-tier material until the system is fixed.


New gear! Animodule Gate Mod & Cre8audio Cellz. Mixed feelings

Cellz is an amazing sequencer concept but the unfortunate victim of some bad manufacturing bumbles. Gate Mod does a thing that's useful but not exciting. mp3 and Furry cartoons http://www.patreon.com/tegerio High quality wav http://drphlogiston.bandcamp.com Tip jar https://ko-fi.com/tegerio


Simone Spinozzi

.... ah it's wired internally, now i get why it's working without being wired externally. Also (unrelated): That is one irritating install. It looks like what willpower failed took revenge in giving you the drive to find ways to install everything and learn how to use it too...


What's wired internally? All of the modules receive power from inside the case, but in order to make them do things you have to plug cables into the jacks on the front. I said "5 pins" but I should have said "10 pins". Most modules only use the 10 pins that provide +12v, -12v, +5v and ground. They are grouped in pairs so I think of them as just five (two pair are ground). The remaining 6 pins are the Doepfer CV Bus which is supposed to transmit a global clock and two Control Voltages internally, but you have to buy modules that implement this .. and I don't think even Doepfer supports that feature anymore.

Simone Spinozzi

Sorry, at the beginning you're showing little nerd and chaos party. You're saying it's doing stuff but it looks unplugged. I understood the rest.


Oh, I was just explaining that Little Nerd can do the same thing as the Gate-Mod if you set it correctly - but setting up Little Nerd for different functions is annoying so I just leave it configured for playing Euclidian patterns. It isn't doing anything in this patch.

Simone Spinozzi

<img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/597001423418425364.png" width="20"> 👍