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(Sweetcheeks)  Pull up a chair, kits, and get comfy.  I, Sweetcheeks, will tell you a story!

It goes like this:

Twas the night before Solstice, and all through the den,

Not a creature was stirring (at just half past ten!)

The kits were all tucked away snug in their cribs

With visions of Kraken-Jack stuck to their ribs.

Mom in her nightie was drowsily stating

That maybe this year we should try hibernating,

When out on the lawn there arose such a howl

That I opened the shade and looked out with a scowl!

Then what to my wondering eyes should appear

But a vixen dressed in something clingy and sheer!

With a toss of her head and a wink of her eye

I knew it could be none other than Skye!

(Wodkaschott)  Like, hi everybody!

(Sweetcheeks)  She had gorgeous gams and a trim little tummy

And basically you could describe her as 'yummy.'

(Wodkaschott)  Tee hee, knock it off Anton.

(Sweetcheeks)  So I said, 'Though the sight of you fills me with cheer,

We're off for the season, Skye.  What brings you here?'

(Wodkaschott)  Uhhh..  (rustles papers)

(Sweetcheeks)  She stood there a moment, all in a puzzle,

But then a big holiday grin crossed her muzzle!  (SFX:  A desk bell rings)

(Wodkaschott)  Oh yeah!  That's it!  I remember the thing!

The message of Solstice-tide joy that I bring!

Vixens attend:  When the party dies down,

When your Lower Vulp cousins have gone back to town,

After the gift wrap to shreds has been ripped,

And the dinner goose carcass is thoroughly stripped,

When the plates are piled up in the kitchen with care,

And your worthless old tod is asleep in his chair,

That is the time, ladies - take it from me -

You'll be grateful for SPHINX-O left under the tree.

(Sweetcheeks)  Ahem.

After the vixen had finished her plug,

She sipped on some cider from out of a jug.

Then laying a finger aside of her nose,

With a wink and a nod, away pooked her clothes.

(Wodkaschott)  WHOOPS!  Wrong spell!


Happy Holidays, everyone!  Thank you so much for being Patrons!

D.M.V. and Skye Wodkaschott were created by Eric Costello.  SPHINX-O, the Magick Cleanser, was created by Roy D. Pounds.



*two sooty thumbs up*

Simone Spinozzi

looks like a very right spell to me :P