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The "Redario 3D Face" built by Jorge.  It was quite cheap on ebay.


Redario homemade wooden noise synth

Made by someone else, not by me. mp3 and Furry cartoons http://www.patreon.com/tegerio High quality WAV files http://drphlogiston.bandcamp.com Tip jar https://ko-fi.com/tegerio


Simone Spinozzi

interesting... why the choice of wood? It does not look like the kind of stuff that would be sold with electronic equipment. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Also: the 7 orange dots are painted, right? They don't look like LEDs shining through the wood.


Wood, because it's a readily available material and is fairly easy to build with? There's a little Arduino circuit board inside, with the pots (knobs) wired to it. The orange dots are painted on. A few of them seem to be filled with putty under the orange paint so I'm guessing they were Jorge's way of covering up having drilled holes for the pots in the wrong place. Probably why this one was so cheap...

Simone Spinozzi

😅👍 the only reason why i would not use wood for electronics is that it's one of the best insulators... and electronics in general don't like heating up. Buuut if you do stuff in heated places and/or (as is the arduino's case) your card does not heat up much by itself... that actually keeps the electronics actually cooler than many alternatives