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Other ongoing project revealed!  There must forever be something to waste money on!


Secret spare case!

The other half of my hypothetical "road rig" has been sitting somewhere else. mp3 and furry cartoons http://www.patreon.com/tegerio High quality audio http://drphlogiston.bandcamp.com Tip jar https://ko-fi.com/tegerio


Simone Spinozzi

And let's see this one... Mono for live makes sense, there is usually a lot of noise and commotion and people rarely ever get anything more than very extreme stereo effect, even looking at your videos here, unless i'm using my headset, i rarely pick on the stereo output. 🤔🤔🤔 And the rest was interesting too. Glad you got a kick out of building your own stuff for your shows "on the road" (so to speak) and yeah, get rid of the redundant stuff. The "it might turn up useful"™ never works. I ... still have to understand what the thing with the white touchpad does, since you said you use it as an input for the decay, so i am guessing in this specific instance all it does is decide how wide or short is the decay, but since it's bi-axial, i am left wondering what it really does.


It's a controller. Outputs a positive voltage (0 - 5v) depending on finger position / number of lights illuminated. Two axes = two voltage outputs. There is a third output controlled by how much finger you mash (i.e. how much of the pad surface is covered) .. and these voltages can be plugged into any module's CV ins to control various parameters.