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No kidding, the designer's notes say this module's nonlinear feedback circuit is based on a research paper describing the function of a squid brain cell.


Squid beat!

Trying out the NLC Squid Axon. mp3 and furry cartoons http://www.patreon.com/tegerio High quality audio http://drphlogiston.bandcamp.com Tip jar https://ko-fi.com/tegerio



It could save your life someday!

Simone Spinozzi

okay i did find it slightly unsettling in a good way and overall really really nice. Good job there. I... honestly did not understand what the signal sounded like before the deformation, that might have helped, or maybe i managed to misunderstand/not hear what you were saying about the signal.


It played for almost a minute before I plugged in the second CV signal, and before I messed with any of the feedback knobs. That would have been the original signal, minimally processed, simply being grabbed by the Squid's sample&hold according to the clock frequency.