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SALV Angela Weakflit answers Simone Spinozzi's question.



Simone Spinozzi

The only thing i don't understand it's why it's been the machine body to get transmogrified instead of... you know... her actual body/pilot 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Eh? I think ya have Angela and Alice mixed up.


Angela Weakflit isn't the same as Alice Chetsweeks. Vulpitanian names are deliberately confusing, but .. those are different characters.

Simone Spinozzi

I swear the way she looks like in her Ixie form made me think of Robota (which... does make sense, hard shell and all). And ... yeah i messed up thinking that was because of another "prosthetic body" instead of the fact she now has an exoskeleton. I would also like to be able to say i totally knew that was a different person, but no, i did mess up. Don't ask me why, they act and speak totally different. 🤦‍♂️