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Hear Plaits' oracular utterances!  Also, new modules because that is what you do when you're a Eurorack fiend.


New modules and Plaits random phonemes

Eurorack: Even when you're done, you're not done. mp3 and furry cartoons http://www.patreon.com/tegerio High quality audio http://drphlogiston.bandcamp.com Tip jar https://ko-fi.com/tegerio


Simone Spinozzi

This looks a lot like archive cleaning and organizing 😉👍 Also: a lot of times you do not seem to exactly know what the modules do. Is it because they come without a manual or documentation, or because those are for chumps? And the idea about how to do the "robot lady on a cellphone" voice is very interesting. 🤔🤔🤔🤔👍💖 *angry ixie noises* 😜 and yes it was entertaining


It's because they come without any documentation and are usually sold with a description "It sorta does this thing but we won't tell you exactly how."

Simone Spinozzi

🤣🤣🤣👍 Sounds like 90% of the electronics i work with. They tell you what they do only because it's required by law, most of the times the stuff is either copy/pasted from a different model and does work as intended only the security margins are only vaguely similar to whatis advised and sometimes definitively against the law. 😅