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Simone Spinozzi wanted to know:

 Saint Nicholas of Myra ... How did he exactly strike such a long lasting deal with the elves... and how can he exactly still enforce it even today, thousands of years after his reported death, which has been mentioned time and time again... and still does not seem to stick?

Obviously fear and intimidation are his chief weapons, as well as the element of surprise.  If this whole "Saint" business is true, then you could also count a fanatical devotion to the Pope among his three - no, FOUR - most reliable weapons.  But elves know the being called "The Kringle" was never a Saint.  That's just a lowfolk fairy-tale, along with the rumor of him once being the Bishop of Turkey.  BAH!  He's no bird.  He's got the hairy ape-like visage of a hideous bearded Yew-Man!




Of course, up in Elfhame, they're not really all that afraid of the Kringle, since the deal with the Frost King/Frost Lord has existed for untold centuries.

Simone Spinozzi

D'awww... i thought i was far enough from winter to be able to mention him. 😈