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In most cases your Robot Vixen Maid will plug herself into the charger when her battery level drops below 15%.  However, sometimes she may not be able to reach it in time, and will go into Low Power Mode.  Please connect her charger as soon as possible, and leave her connected until her battery is fully charged up.




Heydee (co?-)inspired rest positioning, ya?


If I didn't know better I'd think that game was made just for me.


She becomes completely unresponsive and you have to plug her into the charger.

Simone Spinozzi

Guys? Guys? Why do you set your orders to the highest priority? You see what happens? Please allow the poor robots to rest every now and then! If you always use the highest priority, not only will that defeat all the purposes of a priority system... ...but it will also end up with you needing to personally charge the poor Robota. ...who is the one who did just say that personally charging her is the icing on the cake?! ... i totally agree... but... you know... you can do it *WITHOUT* having her helpless and in desperate need. It's called "consensual charging" people! Learn it! 🤣👍