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Blame Eric Costello for unleashing this nightmare upon the world.




The Bad Seed sprouting!


So, did she develop cataracts or was she just born with them?

Serge Skunk

this is adorably Unseelie


She was Unseelie from a very young age. (also your comic book is on its way)


Wait, that’s no lollipop. <i>Run! She’s got a death ray and it’s pointed right at us!</i>

Simone Spinozzi

Wait... so... she never had eyes?!

Walter Reimer

She got Unseelie and eeevil at an early age. Kind of like Shirley Temple.

Simone Spinozzi

Walter Reimer put a bug in my ear... i mean is she the Shirley Temple of elves? Makes sense Shirley got to be ambassador and chief of protocol very early compared to everybody else who ever had those positions, also held them far longer than usual, and held several businesses afloat while doing her duties to the country, also died very late compared to others of her time period, lived during WW2 and she got statues and honors everywhere... Hey! Mr. Tegerio... you sure Duchess isn't Shirley Temple?! 'cuz the coincidences of their lives' ongoing stuff seem to... parallel very neatly.... *inset here thonking emoji for the stupid thoughts*


such an adorable little child


Such a cutie! She'll grow up to be a charming Southern belle, for sure!