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Look what I found in a musty old cabinet in the basement of the haunted asylum!

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Simone Spinozzi

Yay! One that has an ending! 😃👍 Seriously: you abandoned or had to abandon a many interesting stories. Glad to see one that ends

Simone Spinozzi

"many" is different from "all", and sometimes recounting why some of those stories were abandoned could prove an interesting post. I mean "I'd find it interesting". This specific one feels like i'm missing much background info about it, for example i'll probably have to re-read the whole thing from the beginning once it's been done. I saved the pages, but now what you wrote on patreon. 🤔👍


there seems to be plenty of old stories of yours that could use some more pages or stories added to them

Walter Reimer

The fur is about to fly!