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In a professional business suit, as requested by Mondegreen.

This is totally what she would wear in court!



Simone Spinozzi

Dignified apparel indeed. 🧐🍷

Walter Reimer

Looking appropriately professional and lawyer-y!


The opposition is going to raise one very obvious counterargument, which you must be prepared to answer: Have you tasted EVERY bit of the moon and determined that it is in fact not cheese?


Thomson looks fantastic here. TRIAL BY LAP DANCE! TRIAL BY LAP DANCE!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-03 23:39:18 What a brilliant legal mind she has! <3
2019-03-20 15:28:58 What a brilliant legal mind she has! <3

What a brilliant legal mind she has! <3


Fair point. Do I want to see Ms. Thomson give Estmere a lap dance? Hmmm…