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This is an interesting little CV and gate generator.


NLC 8-Bit Cipher

It's hard to find instructions for NonLinear Circuits modules. mp3 and furry cartoons http://www.patreon.com/tegerio High quality audio http://drphlogiston.bandcamp.com Tip jar https://ko-fi.com/tegerio


Simone Spinozzi

The easiest way to do this is if the whole thing was "just" a fourier transformer and just decomposed the two inputs into their composing sines. I'd guess if each of the two inputs was *not* regular then you'd see a mess, but if each of the two inputs is a simple wave then it would be easy to follow using the rule above. Just look at one light and check the period then the other and write down the difference. If it were a "fourier transformer" that just decomposes the input waves as their constituents then with two perfect input sines it would be easy to check the patterns. At which point the 8 outputs might as well be just different recompositions of the 9 waves, though i think the central one isn't a 9th wave but the one wave getting transformed and decomposed into the surrounding 8 As for the superserial "once upon a time" just meant it followed some norms and regulations (EIA interfaces type A through E), but haven't seen it used since the 90s sooooooo i kind of doubt it means that.


The top 8 outputs are gates, either on or off as indicated by the corresponding light. It seems to act at times like a shift register, since the lights tend to chase each other in a clockwise direction around the circle. The lower 4 outputs are stepped CV whose voltage changes with each clock pulse. I haven't determined the relationship between them but I'm sure there is one. According to online description, some of the output CV is mixed back into input 2 if you leave it unpatched. It also says that Data1 input is required but this is not true. All I have to do is connect a clock signal and the Cipher will start making patterns.

Simone Spinozzi

uhm... interesting. I ... honestly was looking at each single light seeing if the sine was regular and thought any irregularities were due to the patching. because honestly every single led looked rather stable in their pulsation. But probably was just an impression. 🤔👍