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Here in the center ring...



Simone Spinozzi

I must say after 3 times of listening to it it's growing on me. I't not the kind of stuff i'd normally listen to but it's got a charm. I came here for the comics because, honestly when i came here i really liked your storytelling techniques and the characters... but i never liked your drawings. But then i stayed and i've been buying your drawings for a year now even going as far as commissioning you specifically for some stuff i saw you doing really well... and listening to music i don't normally listen to. So kudos for "broadening my horizons". 😉👍


It's not music I would normally listen to either, but the modular system is a great generator of "unexpectedly interesting results". There is a review somewhere of Zandar's Saga from when it was on DrunkDuck .. they said that my pacing and characterization were brilliant, but described the drawing as "sub par." Meh, if it's good enough to get the point across, what else matters? I'm not a painter and I never will be.