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How did Runei Stillwater even get on board the Skidoo?

A few more Doodles to go, and they're out of order because two of them require some extra visual research and it's a busy weekend.



Walter Reimer

Sweaty snugglebunnies ahoy!

Simone Spinozzi

D'oh! 😖 i had hoped i did a good job of providing everything needed. 🤦‍♂️


hehe XD


You supplied the needed links, but see .. I have to go look at them. What happened was, I opened my (paper) notebook (not an electronic doodad) to see which Doodles to draw today and I said "CRAP! I still have to look at refs for those!" Booting up the computer is a time consuming ordeal, so I skipped to a Doodle that didn't require a new ref lookup. It was poor planning on my part because I hadn't prepared.