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Oh whatever shall I do with these extra empty cases I now have lying around??


Agonizing over extra case!

mp3s and furry cartoons http://www.patreon.com/tegerio High quality audio http://drphlogiston.bandcamp.com Tip jar https://ko-fi.com/tegerio


Simone Spinozzi

DIY solution for DIY hardware. 🤣👍 And yes... counting stuff after you have spent stuff... comes up with really big numbers... *shudder* And no, i never hated the music, some of them... puzzle me, but the vast majority are nice... i'm just not a fan of this music so i know next to zero about it. But it's nice. The overamping of what's (at the kernel) an amplifier... yeah... i can see it never shutting down. 😅 And yes getting "all of it" at once... will usually burn your average beginner and they don't understand what they are doing, that's true of basically everything, not just those modules of yours. Also i'm laughing at the fact that i considered the setups of the first videos "complex and full of wires, buuuuuut they are not even ¼ of your current average seup to produce whatever music i see in your videos. Since this is all analogic stuff which means that even turning it off and powering it up might mess everything... i wonder how much you spend each time just wiring everything. Feels like you're running an Eniac super-computer right there rather than "just" synthesizing music... Buuuut then again... that case you have right there probably is a few thousand times more powerful computational wise than the Eniac ever was. 🤣👍


Normally once a patch is set up it will stay consistent through power cycles, as long as you don't touch anything. Some of the oscillators are digital; those are in tune as soon as they boot up. The analog oscillators have to warm up. Lifeform takes about 20 minutes to stabilize (it starts flat and gradually goes sharp until it reaches operating temperature.) The most significant thing that changes is the sequencers don't sync up with each other the same way every time, so beats that sounded cool the day before, don't lace together the same way and can wind up sounding awkward. I'm learning that it's best practice to record the patch (if it's doing something I like) before shutting down the system.