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For those of you who might want to read the story without wading through Tumblr pages (I've made that as easy and non-browser-breaking as I possibly can, so don't be afraid to check it out) ... I have painstakingly assembled all of the posts from March 2013 to March 2016 - actually that's not technically correct since a fair portion of this had to be rewritten from memory during the summer of 2016 after MSPA Forums went down.  Without stalwart patron Major Matt Mason's brave data-hoarding habits, the Ballad might not have been salvaged at all.. but I am rambling.

Attached find a TEXT ONLY transcript of the Ballad as it currently appears on http://adleryoung.tumblr.com from the beginning up to the point where new episodes began to be posted on Eagle-Time.

If there is interest, I'll stitch together a "part 2" which will comprise the Ballad text starting in August 2016 with the beginning of the current thread on Eagle-Time, and going up til "NOW," whenever I finish making that file.



Finished the Bible, did you?