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The only thing scarier than the Duchess of Daisies is the Kringle.  I don't know who thought this concept of combining the two would be a good marketing strategy for Persoc-Itoome, but I suspect Bodb.




Persoc-Itoome is what?


Persoc-Itoome aka "The Pause What Perks Ya Up" is a sweet sparkling vaguely peach-flavored beverage made & bottled in the Gladsome Antglade. It was renowned for giving drinkers "Persockity Vitality" and for being highly addictive. It is illegal in most of the Mephitist Empire, but Antgladers still drink it, and a bootleg variety is popular in Vulpitania.


WOW! She looks out-of-her-mind. What is in that drink of hers anyways?

Major Matt Mason

CO'D and hobnailed boots go together suspiciously well...

Simone Spinozzi

Uhm... ma'am? You put your contact lenses on wrong.

Walter Reimer

Gotta love her eyes! You can actually see her pupils, which means that P-I can actually make her a tiny bit Seelie!