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Everybody $10 and up.  If you are seeing this post, it means you're eligible (or Patreon has messed up somehow.)  Put your requests in the comments below.

R rating or tamer.  Nudity is okay, venery isn't.

My characters or a character you have rights to (i.e. no video game or anime fan-art, sorry).

A Doodle is done start-to-finish in 1 hour or less.  Remember that, if the request is complex I will simplify it to fit the time limit.  If there is reference material I have to study, that takes away drawing time.



ok heres my idea.Ill try to simply it enough to fit in a doodle I hope . my character from the chest up poking his head out a door or door frame (something very simple) meanwhile we have Burnside running with her front visible while naked brandishing an axe or sword to go fight some late night intruder so she figured she had no time to dress before battle., my character seeing her pass by showing off her rear view (that racoon butt ) as she charges off shameless.and I comment "I`m so scareroused right now!"


How about Dani in and their sister showing off their in swimsuits as well. Could use some warm thoughts in Iowa at this point. XD

Major Matt Mason

The Wolf Queen and Tali in Temporal Corps uniforms. Tali is smirking while WQ is saying, slyly, "Yeah, but *I* make it *look good!*" <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12021376/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12021376/</a>

Serge Skunk

With it being December and all, I think for my doodle I'd like to request something snow and winter themed with Fuma in all her Divine glory.

Simone Spinozzi

Well, thanks to a certain *someone*, Serica had loooooots of work. So, how about a nice cozy Yule log scene featuring Serica &amp; Desmond with an ominous unspecified mound of stuff in the back covered by a tarp <strike>because this way is easier to draw</strike> because you would not want fine clothing to pick on dust or something, and a sign saying "Ready To Deliver". Also: the tarp is non-flammable, because otherwise *someone* could play a bad joke on them. 😒 I mean: let's have something happy cosy and warm for once. No disasters and a nice sense of accomplishment. Shall we? 😃


Dani jerking off so it looks like snow.


"Sure, an' there's no foiner subject that deserves immortoilizin' than me own self, Estvan Silverbrush, dispensin' Solstice wisdom an' joy in aquill proportions, assisted by me wee baitle, Bessie. Glass o' [Three an' a Half] optional, but Oi'll not be criticizin' if ye include it. An' don't be after givin' a loine o' chat about baitles. They're Fuma's craytures, just as we all are."

Birb Fire

Dani tricking/almost tricking Bruce under some Mistletoe.

Walter Reimer

Dani in a Santa suit. Brief skirt, with a discernible bulge, beard slightly askew. Dani asking with a sly wink, "Sit on Santa's lap and tell him what you want for Christmas."


M'shelle doing the naked apron thing (yes I appear to be on another kick), bending over while tending to chestnuts roasting on an open fire. She should be wiggling her rump while grinning at the viewer, saying something like "Hot and ready - want some?"