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Is that going to finally stop me?

Ha ha ha, not likely!


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Simone Spinozzi

but... but you only have two hands... surely.... surely at one point you must decide that you can't carry any more? 😅 ah, who am i kidding? and sorry but i did not know about this problem with the guitars, but then again i don't play them. The signal itself was nice, it had rhythm and even if noise i liked the way it sounded, after the filtering it had an otherwordly feel which was interesting too. I kinda can follow conceptually, but never having used this stuff it's something definitively interesting. And get some syrup or something, because it's never a good thing to lose your voice. Glad to be of help, See ya in the next video.


Modular signals can be as high as 10 volts peak-to-peak (I think they drive them so hot in order to preserve a good signal-to-noise ratio.) Line level is - I think - typically about 3v and microphone level is less than that. Guitar level is somewhere around mic level. It's one of the problems inherent in electric guitars, that the initial signal from the pickups is very low, only slightly louder than the ambient hum from nearby devices .. so when you amplify the guitar you also amplify the hum, and a lot of engineering has been devoted to finding ways to filter out unwanted noise from a guitar signal.


That would violate the laws of nature. I think the phrase "pitchfork mob" might become applicable in that case.