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Now that I'm getting close to the end of my synth module buying adventure (i.e. running out of space to put them.)  I'm thinking of next using my ill-gotten gains to have a batch of stickers printed up.  I'm almost out of the enigmatic Expressionist Bunny-Girl stickers (which you have seen if you're a Commission patron) and it would be nice to have some of my own design to stick on my envelopes.  Also to give out as a reward for patrons, maybe?  Eh?  EH??

Anyway, black & white - in addition to being pretty much my milieu - has the advantage of costing much less than color .. and obviously the best & most striking black & white design would be Kelly's sexy dorsal stripes.

Or am I wrong about this?  I think the composition needs to be tightened up (i.e. this is not The One) but I may be on the wrong track altogether, design-wise.  Do you guys have any suggestions?



Simone Spinozzi

well... she sure knows how to strike a pose.


I like this as is but it's upto you really


Id love a Hester sticker


I'd like to see this one or some variation thereof with the groovy text from #2.