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"Agent Earl!" Theronmyathus croaked into the orb.  "Earl, do you hear me?"

"Sure thing, man," Earl replied, casually saluting.

"You're still out of uniform," the Marshal scolded him.  "But never mind that.  Let's hear your report."

"Oh, man, like everything's really messed up out there right now, man.."

In the Gladsome Antglade

"Tarnation!" Duchess Catherine exclaimed as she held a scrying orb next to her ear.

"Whadda you hear, aunt-momma?" Matholwch asked cautiously.

"Well, for one thang, it don't seem like ol' Lemmy is as trustworthy as we thought."

"Aw daaanng," Matholwch groaned.

"But," the Duchess continued.  "From the sound of it, I reckon the King is dead."

"Oooh, does that mean yew kin leave the Antglade an' go to war at last?" Matholwch asked with a grin.

"Not just yet.  We still got Adler to worry about .. an' it sounds like he's a-gonna cause me a right heap o' trouble.  DANG it!  They shoulda never taught that boy Wiles!"

"Well, what'll we do, aunt-momma?"

"Ever'thang is still under control, young'un.  Now we get in touch with Burnside, an' make sure them Vulpy-Vulps is ready with their part o' the Plan."

In the convention Plaza

"Was that Adler Young?" Percy asked, in a daze at the pie-smeared carnage all around.  "I've never seen him looking so ... formidable."

"Truly a scion of Irenaeus," SALV Chubb muttered.  "He vill be ein vorthy adversary.  Now ist der time to open mine Secret Orders ... VAIT!  Vhere did der froggy-schnoop go?"

"He was here a second ago," Percy observed lamely.  "I didn't see him leave."

"Maybe he ge-pooked," Charmina theorized.  "In any case, he ist not here, vhich ist all der better for me."

She produced a small paper scroll-tube from her elfintory and tore it open.

"Distract Estvan und get him to tell you der schtories?" she read incredulously.  "I zink I got zzomebody else's Orders by mischtake."

"But vhat if it vas not ein mischtake?" she mused.  "I must do mine best to carry zem out, for Vulpitania und Der Plan!  I zink perhaps I can ply Herr Zzilberbrush mit some Yummikake Fruit Pies.  No vun can resist Yummikake Fruit Pies!  You are commink mit me, Sqvab.  Zat is ein order."


The next thing I knew, I was naked on the floor of the scrying chamber, with Thomson and Burnside snuggling me.  So this is what it was like to relax with multiple Floozies!  I was going to enjoy being King!  I began to wonder where Meadow was, and what she was doing.

"Now the army's only one meal away from being ready," Thomson whispered.

"What did they eat?" I asked drowsily.

"Commandeered pies," Burnside chuckled.  "We captured a couple wagonloads.  How's your mojo holdin' up?"


While the army was stuffing itself, and my lieutenants and I were distracted, Miss Thompson managed to escape.  She fled back toward the city, while muttering something about Traitors to the Sisterhood, and Paying for the Indignity she had suffered...

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Walter Reimer

"Doesn't matter, had venery."