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... when I heard Avogadro's voice behind me again.

"You call that a punch?" he snapped.  "I have been pummeled by lowfolk with more impact than that!  I am appalled that any so-called scion of Irenaeus should pack such a weak whallop.  Turn and face me, you noodle-armed vixen defiler!  You shall pay for your misdeeds this day!"

I pivoted and slugged the irritating mole a resounding blow that had the momentum of my whole body behind it.  He hit the ground, and I paused a moment to make sure he was out cold before I proceeded on my way.

As I rounded a corner, I saw that the pie fight was still going on in the plaza where ValKon was being held.  This Vulpitanian foolishness stood between me and my exit!

I strode forward, grimly determined that no airborne pastry would deter me from my goal.

I raised my arms and radiated pure Irenaeid Irritability as I stalked across the plaza.  Pies flew away from me, as if in terror at my presence.

The other side of the plaza was in view.  I was not far from making my escape from the city.

Under the contest table:

In the Hall of Ancestors:

"Yes Sir, Marshal, Sir," Angus babbled nervously into a small scrying sphere.  "Sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I'm in the Coronation Chamber .. yes, I know that .. well, you see, I'm not sure how I got here .. but I woke up on the steps and saw Prince Adler leaving the Hall .. yes, it was definitely him.  He spoke to me.  I thought it was suspicious.  No, I didn't pursue because how's he gonna get across town by himself?  No, I didn't think of that .. but Sir!  Sir!!  The point is, I'm in the Coronation Chamber, and something TERRIBLE seems to have happened, Sir."

PREV- http://www.patreon.com/posts/20322152

NEXT- http://www.patreon.com/posts/20646109



Walter Reimer

"Something terrible seems to have happened." They're out of meringue?!

Simone Spinozzi

i check in here seldom because i still have to read the whole story and i hate starting in media res... but the pie fighting is still going on ?! 🤣👍