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I think I exclaimed something like "EALA!" as the truth suddenly hit me that the charred corpse sitting on the throne was all that remained of my half-brother, Estmere.  I turned away in horror and despair.

"Poor Estmere!" I blubbered into my sleeve.  "He didn't deserve to end like this.  He was just a good-hearted, fun-loving lummox.  Our father tasked me to look after him, and now .. oh, how could this have happened?"

"Yeahhh ... how could this actually have happened?" I wondered, after drying my eyes.  "Ixies!  Some of you witnessed these Unseelie events.  Tell me what transpired."

"The Queen pooked his Majesty into the Hall," an Ixie replied - via Elfmind for some reason.  I looked around but didn't see any of the swarm that had followed me into the chamber.  "She claimed it was for his safety, to protect him from thee and thy army.  But the fox Tailipo was here, and contrived to reveal to his Majesty the truth about himself and the Vulpitanians' thaumaturgy."

"Alice was here?" I muttered darkly.  "And did Edessa not try to prevent .. this?"

"The Queen put forth a few feeble arguments, and then merely stood by whilst his Majesty sat upon the throne in an effort to prove his Elfliness and Kingship.  Upon his demise, she pooked away, and the Tailipo absconded."

"I see," I growled through clenched teeth.

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A most exceeding bummerness.


Somehow, the deaths of both Estmere and Gawain seemed unjust, and would have seemed so even to the likes of The Fifth of His Name.