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"You bought der costumes from ein Sleazy vendor?" SALV Chesswick chuckled incredulously.

"Well, we didn't exactly like, buy them," Fif admitted.

"HAH!" Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks chortled.  "Sleazy brand trick costumes, the pride of Vulpitania!  They are designed to fail after a certain interval of time.  Did you put yours on first?"

"Yeah, I did," Fifi recollected.

"Well then, any second now ..."

Everyone stopped and stared at me.

Nothing happened.  I silently thanked Lady Fuma for her gift of Luck.

"What a rip-off!" Avogadro whined.

"Get off me, you simpering toady," I snarled, stomping the grabby mole and kicking him away from me.

"Hey, save some of that passion for the banquet with me, Sweetcheeks," the Vulpsmarshal interjected.

"Go get a decent costume for SALV Fofox," I ordered Avogadro.  "GO!  Now!!"


Just outside the city wall, Jimmy was cowering beneath three Ixies.

"Tailipo?" he whimpered.  "I don't know anything about that, but if you're looking for a treacherous Scuti, my guess is she went to the Hall of Ancestors to try to usurp the throne.  Please don't hurt me.  I've done nothing to you or your kin."

"Little knowest thou of our kin, worm," the Ixies retorted.

"Some Irenaeus impersonator you are," Angus snorted.

"Afreed o' these wee pests, are ye?" Nero scoffed.  "Shall we braid yer bonny locks intae pigtails then, lassie?  The Lacktail King'd ne'er cower before mere buglings."

"Irenaeus had his secret fears, I can assure you," Jimmy muttered.  "Keep those monsters away from me!"

"Hold him," one of the Ixies demanded.  "We shall investigate yon Hall, and if 'tis not as he saith, then we shall return to deal with him most harshly."

"Canna one o' ye stay?" Nero asked.  "He's so much better behaved wi' ye here."

"One would be ineffectual," the Ixie replied haughtily.  "Three are needed to deal with his kind, thus must we away as a full trio."


Percy nobly followed the loitering fox's directions, and without trouble he found himself directly at the Vulpitanian Embassy.  Darting from shadow to shadow, he bravely crept inside.

"I need to find where the files are kept," Percy whispered mightily to the fox behind a desk in the entryway.

Without looking up from his picture-scroll, the fox pointed with his thumb down a corridor behind him.

"You never saw me," Percy courageously insisted.

"Naturally," the fox replied, still intently reading his scroll.  "Vulpitania vincit."


"We've gathered enough pies for the contests to continue!" someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"No more dawdling!"

"On with the show!"

The ominous thunder pealed again, off toward the South, louder this time.

"Himmel!" SALV Chesswick exclaimed.  "I zink zose pies are not too fresh."

"By Fuma!" Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks exclaimed, pinching his nose.  "What a stench!"

"It wasn't me!" Estmere retorted indignantly.  "Just what are you insinuating?"


PREV- http://www.patreon.com/posts/18413459

NEXT- http://www.patreon.com/posts/18715281


Walter Reimer

Maybe Estmere needs to lay off the Super-Keen Seventeen-Bean Mean Green Burrito Supreme. (With sour cream!)


They are usually conducted with more elfly dignity, but this is a Vulpitanian IP so .. of course it appeals to the more lowbrow elements of elvish society.