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The neighborhood cat is bewildered by my attempts to merge the modular groove box with conventional physical electromechanical guitar & bass.

"It's too trancey," he's thinking.  "Where's the lyrical content?  Where are the moments of interest?"

Relax, cat.  That stuff is coming.  Right now I'm still learning to play this crazy contraption.

Part of the reason these tracks are only two minutes long is to prevent them from getting too boring.  One minute isn't long enough for the idea to develop.  Three minutes is long enough to drive it into the ground.  Two minutes seems to be just the right length to get in, have a solid expression of the complete idea, and get out.



Simone Spinozzi

Yes, seems you got it all figured out and yes they seem interesting tracks. 🤔👍


Cat opera is one of the highest forms of art. You haven't lived til you've heard "The Marriage of Tiggero" yowled in its entirety.