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Asked for by Simone Spinozzi.  As near as I can figure, a tabaxi demilich is just an evil magical cat skull .. so, here you go?

Anybody wanting a Doodle who hasn't yet asked for one this month may do so in the comments below.




Cat skulls are inherently evil. So are baboon skulls. It’s the canines.


Doodle request: Hester showing off her butt in that sexy Egyptian garb she's recently shown up wearing in in Zandar's Saga!


I'm still reading this as "taxicab demilich."

Simone Spinozzi

So hardcore you can't even tell if it's supposed to be an he or a she. 🤣

Simone Spinozzi

I'm an idiot. 🤣 At first i did not connect you meant the teeth and i was wondering why you were doing fantasy social commentary. 🤣🤣🤣🤦