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This was asked for by Rick2tails.

If you've not requested a Doodle yet for March, put your idea in the comments below.



Simone Spinozzi

"et tu?"...!? What. Yes it must be said in order for the quote to work. But... Yeah... Just... Yeah. Okay. I see no other way to do it. But really. "Et tu?"...


earth to zandar! earth to Zandar! Geez! All l I say is It`s almost March 15th and you space out on me!


I don't know Latin because even back when I was in school an American "education" had already been devalued to near-worthlessness. So what's the problem? Is it because "et tu" means "and you" implying "you also in addition to these other jerks?" or are Latin pronouns gendered & I should have used the female version for Zandar?

Simone Spinozzi

It's an english play by Shakespeare... But seriously it's a surprised "you too?!" towards Brutus, who was the last to stab Caesar and his own son. So... Caesar could understand the others, but was really surprised by his own son stabbing him. Though obviously he did wrong his son a lot. He just was not aware of it. Something our self appointed king... instead... knows very well. He knows that Zandar was extremely wronged. He is a bit unaware of why she is taking this personally. But he is not blind to it like Caesar. Or at least this is what i gathered by the Saga. I doubt our "Caesar" above would be surprised by... out of everybody... Zandar. 🤷 Sooo... Yeah. It's the above that made me surprised by the choice of the joke. But if one did not see the play... one would not know.