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I rambled on for more than 20 minutes, so I split the video in half.  Here's the first part.


Say Hello to BASTL Kastle

I've had this little guy for about a year now. Hear my finished music at http://drphlogiston.bandcamp.com


Simone Spinozzi

🤔 i've got a lot to do today and tonight but will check as soon as possible.


Some of those would make good voices for an instrument.* Do the appropriate inputs respect volt per octave? Gut feel - this thing has greater capabilities than the oscillator portions on Lifeforms. True? *I especially liked the effect of the sawtooth LFO.


It has _different_ capabilities than the Lifeforms oscillators. It's got a more complex, noisier tonal palette - but it lacks real precision control. The oscillator pitch does not track volts per octave (yes, I already tried) .. pitch tracking would be irrelevant anyway because of the manner in which the timbre frequency interacts with the pitch frequency. Kastle is not really designed to play "notes". With that said, there's probably a roundabout way to make it play notes. I'm just not sure I have the patience to figure it out.

Simone Spinozzi

Listening right now. Apparently it has insulation problems, what you call static electricity, is actually the electricity taking a tour of your skin. You were plugging the input i suppose, so what you were seeing is that instead of it having a voltage of zero it was having internal interferences from the positive thus a virtual negative. you can tell because the "interference" had a similar similar waveshape and pitch to where you plugged right after, it was just a bit more random, due to the electricity coursing your skin. 😅 So yes, it has internal insulation problems, but if you like "quirks" to experiment, please, do as you like. No greatness comes from sticking exactly to the rules. 🤣 I agree with Benin, the saw wave was interesting. Never heard it that slow