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As somewhat requested by hurfdurrhurr.

Let's be careful asking for lewd Kelly drawings.  I've got plenty of characters who are sluts; Kelly O'Dor is a classy dame and there's a limit to how raunchy I will depict her.  Also, Kelly has the unique status of being my imaginary girlfriend, and I feel weird sometimes about publicly sharing what would be my "intimate moments" with her.

Yes, I know how crazy that sounds .. but please humor my artistic eccentricity.

With that said, anybody reading this who hasn't had a Doodle yet for February:  TIME'S A-WASTIN!!  Put your request in the comments below.



Simone Spinozzi

🤔 yeah, why did you draw her anyway? You can say no.


Sorry about that! I wouldn't have asked if I had known. I know you're in a difficult position to refuse requests given that there's money involved here (that's why I tried to fish for your objections first!). I'll pick somebody else next time. This picture came out great though!


In retrospect you did mention it in the request you did for me last month. I guess I didn't take it as a serious objection at the time?

Walter Reimer

Delightful young skunkess.


Official date of birth: January 8, 1897. She's young for an elf.


Doodle request: Springfield just out of the shower and reaching for a towel, getting surprised (and mad) at someone walking in on her (backside view preferred). Thanks!