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Irving Klaw would probably just shake his head at this.

But aren't you glad you ponied up the $22.99 to scope it out?

Tell me what I should be doing here .. PLEASE.




Send your dollars or your moms and fathers For there's something you should own You can have one today, just send right away We deliver right to your home You can't get better value for your money Than you get right here You don't have to see it to know you need it It's all the rage this year. What a nice surprise it's just the right size For someone just like you It's just what you need and it's guaranteed To do exactly what it will do It stays together ... It'll last forever Which is something new these days One thing about it you can live without it But you'll order one today.

Simone Spinozzi

🤔 Pictures of a mannequin can only go so far. Unless you start buying mannequins in different poses. And that would get expensive very quickly, outweighing the profit from the $22 tier. Unless you want to start some kind of weird postmodern stuff with the mannequin always in the same pose... 🤔 you know what? I would suggest this tier be the "fund my experimenting" stuff where you try something artistic either in drawing or in other arts. The $3 tier will only carry you so far. Here you can actually have people interested in seeing you try out either new art styles or new art techniques, or do weird stuff like the picture above. Or at least you can see how many people are interested in you trying new stuff. Your drawing style is pretty much settled, but who says people here can't give you the money to try stuff you wanted to try, but never had the time to or never had the motivation to?


I've always (never) wanted to explore Interpretive Dance...

Simone Spinozzi

🤣 sorry. I corrected after first writing. But you could make youtube videos about that.