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For those with more .. exotic tastes.

If it gets 12 likes then I will ink it up & post it on FA, and add a link to it from here.  You'll accomplish two things by doing this:  1. You'll be a hero to the porn-starved masses on FurAffinity.  2. You'll find out what SHOCKING SURPRISE is hidden behind those buttons.

See it inked and uncensored at http://www.furaffinity.net/view/25613283

Incidentally, you can buy a Zandar button at https://www.zazzle.com/zandar_skonk_fan_club_button-145168878979465010




So I'm guessing your the boy twin from how the buttons are stacked.


"Porn-starved masses on FurAffinity?" Um.... They have use the internet? Right? This isn't the early 2000's backwards.

David Ewell

Could be the girl. The buttons could be misleading and deceptive. XD

Simone Spinozzi

😖 sorry, not into herms/dickgirls.


It doesn't matter how much you have. An addict is always hungry for more.


I know I’m adding this rather late, but I wanted to say this is an incredible image. Dani is exceptionally pretty in that dress.