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Furries love porn; we all know it.  Patreon technically doesn't allow it to be posted though.  One could argue that the restriction only applies to "real" porn, (i.e. photos and videos of actual people in erotic situations) and not to cartoons.  Lots of other artists here are apparently going with that interpretation, but me?  No way.  I'm a stickler for the rules because I NEED this money, guys.  I'm too cowardly to take a chance on losing it due to some technicality, and the guidelines - though better than they were - are still vague enough that I'm not going to risk it.

HOWEVER, a rarebit-induced vision last night revealed to me how I could get my patrons involved in supporting a public boon of Furry spooge - which is how Patreon is supposed to work, right?  Patrons pledge support so the artist can afford to give a lot of work away "for free" in other venues.

Usually when I get in a porny mood I'll wear down a pencil cranking out a pile of salacious drawings which I usually don't bother inking.  After my hormones have settled down later, I sell the sketches on FurBuy.

Now how does this grab you instead:  Theoretically each week I can photograph one or two of these sketches and post edited versions of them in a special tier (let's call it The Smut Co-Op and set it at $5 since I don't have a reward at that level yet.)  If an image gets 5 likes (i.e. $25 worth of interest) then I will ink it and post the FULL NASTY & UNCENSORED version on FurAffinity.

Does that sound good?  Or is it just stupid?  I can't really tell, because it could just be the rarebit talking.  Welsh Rarebit is a hell of a drug...


Kjartan Arnorsson

Seems slightly complicated. My rule is to make it as simple and easy as humanly possible for people to give me money. But I don't blame ya for being afraid to lose your Patreon - I'd be in deep doo-doo if I lost mine. Sometimes it seems the bluenoses and the PC goblins got together in a vile coupling neither party would have approved of, and subsequently spawned some sort of mutant puritanism I don't really have a name for yet.


I'm up for "liking" some smut!

Simone Spinozzi

Welll... if we want to go the full mile, you would not be able to post even hints of sex, even censored ones, because if you're afraid they will be going down on you... well... technically they could call your work zoophilia. As could any furry artist's lifetime work involving sex. I think what you're doing already is ok. i doubt people will come down hard on you. They would have to come down hard on at least a ton of people much more lewd than you are right now

Joel Kreissman

I subscribe to like a dozen yiff artists on this site, they've never had any trouble with Patreon.


Wait you sell stuff on Furbuy? Why am i just finding out about this now?


I always announce it on FA when an auction begins, either in a journal or a promotional post. I have an uncanny ability to time them to coincide with major conventions .. not intentionally. It's a weird gift, like a money-losing version of the Shining or something.


it sounds a bit complicated but anything that gets more of your naughty art out is a good thing


I am intrigued, also: space cheese @u@ must try sometime as I've just learned today that the topping was the insperation for cheese wiz.

SpecialSpoon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-04 01:56:14 Really late to this conversation, but whatever...I view patreon as an autorenewed, monthly tip jar that I can just set and not touch again, and supports artists whose work I already enjoyed for free. I heartily approve of this scheme, but keep in mind folks like me don't actually spend a lot of time on patreon itself. Guess I'm not in the habit of checking every post? Ah well! Just make sure your updates remain as clickbaity as usual, and keep up the good work Teg! <3 -SpecialSpoon
2017-12-01 21:59:15 Really late to this conversation, but whatever...I view patreon as an autorenewed, monthly tip jar that I can just set and not touch again, and supports artists whose work I already enjoyed for free. I heartily approve of this scheme, but keep in mind folks like me don't actually spend a lot of time on patreon itself. Guess I'm not in the habit of checking every post? Ah well! Just make sure your updates remain as clickbaity as usual, and keep up the good work Teg! <3 -SpecialSpoon

Really late to this conversation, but whatever...I view patreon as an autorenewed, monthly tip jar that I can just set and not touch again, and supports artists whose work I already enjoyed for free. I heartily approve of this scheme, but keep in mind folks like me don't actually spend a lot of time on patreon itself. Guess I'm not in the habit of checking every post? Ah well! Just make sure your updates remain as clickbaity as usual, and keep up the good work Teg! <3 -SpecialSpoon