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Praise the mighty Commission Gods for their bounty of lewdness!  We all get to see this because our wealthy overlords paid to make it happen.  Next time you see a wealthy overlord, don't forget to thank them.



David Ewell

This is funny yet so true. *thumbs up*


never can get enough of that Kangy!

Simone Spinozzi

Is there an aussie to english translator here? 🤣 The idiots usually say "SPEAK <b><i>ARE</i></b> LANGUAGE!" which is as idiotic as is misspelled, but really, i can barely understand people speaking in dialects of my very own country, understanding dialects of a foreign language is still a bit beyond me.

Simone Spinozzi

Also: I love how it's anatomically appropriate that the puch is over her tits... as is should be 👍🧐 and while fish tits are not a thing, i can dismiss that because... well... because tits. 🤣 Either that or she never had tits until she found out about the human lovers club and had surgery for implants, because humans love them. 🤔


Kangy, like Kelly, is wise in the ways of wiles, though hopefully she won't start charging Vanessa for her advice like Kelly does Springfield :)


Vanessa isn't a fish; she's a Deep One. And those aren't tits; they're Swim Bladders.


Strine-to-English translation: "Trust me, girl, after they peel that getup off you, you'll be penetrated harder than you've ever been. It's great."