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In case you looked at the posted earnings on the front page and wondered why my $300 celebration wasn't happening - it's because I won't be getting $300.  It's .. well I can't look at the figure right now while I'm typing, but it's in the $265 range, which is good.  It's not $300, but it is more than last month, so I'm not complaining about that.

I am complaining because my "goals" and corresponding celebrations are being messed up by fake pledges which bloat the visible earnings amount way past my actual earnings amount and CONFUSE THE HECK OUT OF EVERYONE, including me.  On November 1st, right after billing started, I made a text post for my $40 commission patrons .. and right away some douchebag made a $40 pledge despite that tier being sold out.  They always pop up right after I've posted something.  The new pledge bumped my displayed earnings above $300 (although even if it was legit I wouldn't get that money until next month.)  Suspicious, I sent him a thank-you (secret Turing test) message and whadda ya know .. it turns out his email address is fake.

How can you even sign up with a fake email?  Doesn't Patreon send a verification message when you create your account?  Needless to say, I blocked the bastard .. along with everybody else who rang up as "FRAUD" in my patrons list (the FRAUD tag doesn't show up until after Billing Day).  Oy.  That was depressing, because it turns out ALL of those new patrons from last month were fake.  ALL OF THEM.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  And two genuine patrons decided to leave; I don't know why.  Was it my breath?  I'm hoping it's just because money is tight and it's not something I did which drove them away.

My payment amount increased in October only because a few of you increased your pledges to higher tiers.  Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart .. from down below the cockles, all the way to the sub-cockles.

I am going to have to start meticulously screening every pledge that comes in from now on.  If you get an odd message from me asking if you are real, ANSWER IT.



Bizzare for sure, and I doubt it is any consolation but many other creators have the same issue with fake pledges. I wonder if it would be better if pledges always pulled money straight away, even if it means they get a credit for the next month if they paid for less than half a month.

Chris Shaffer

Some creators seem to be able to get pledges claimed right away, which one thinks would be a natural fix, but IIRC there's some unknown technical reason preventing that in this case.


Wow, what an asshat. I wish i could upgrade my own account to that tier to end that kinda crap. Like who the heck does something like that?

Simone Spinozzi

That's... my upping my pledge by 30 more and... very little else... from 222 to 265... that's... 🤦 Patreon, it seems, does not like to keep its creators... why else? Do they want to make money on the energy of absolute void? What? How even...? Insert here an "i don't want to live on this planet anymore" meme. I won't bother to search for one because this is depressing.


The commission tier is/was already full with three good and stalwart patrons. "Sold Out" doesn't stop these bots from pledging, because they don't read the page. You can pledge any amount you want, regardless of reward, so they automatically pledge the highest tier, and .. I don't know what they do, but they must think they can make money somehow by grabbing all of my content and, I dunno, posting it somewhere else? I can't figure out what their angle is. All I know is it's bugging the crap out of me because they make it impossible to know with any accuracy how much my earnings will actually be.


I'm going to assume the issue with the payment up front not showing up didn't sort itself out... This is unhealthy amounts of malarkey. God damn it, Patreon.