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What movie is Springfield complaining about now??

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Zander blew Cyldes mind literally I think. did him a world of good.


I am... moderately lost. But I refuse to believe Zandar gave Clyde such a good time that he actually forgot Springfield. 'Cause that'd mean I could feel bliss like that too someday. And that's impossible.


my impression is she wiped Springfield from his mind, wiped out his obsession so he literally forgot about her.

David Ewell

The Iron Giant. It would seem Zandar did some kind of mojo on Clyde to remove his obsession and memory of her.


That movie was freakin' perfect right up until LITERALLY the last minute. I was sitting there, biting my nails, thinking "The flying bolt is enough, it's ENOUGH, it lets us know he's still alive somewhere, but don't show us, please please don't show us, that would be too much, don't ruin this beautiful moment AARRRGH DAMMIT" And an otherwise great film ended with me shaking my head in disappointment. They overplayed that scene and turned it from glorious to sappy in a matter of a few seconds.