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Ow.  Harsh.

Poor Zandar.

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Ohh nooo! Heartbroken Zandar is so heartbreaking! THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE OUTCOME!

Wm. Van Ness

I think a worse outcome was the one back in the past when she accidentally murdered one of Springfield's prior incarnations.

Major Matt Mason

And the reward for a good deed...well. Catch Zandar making that mistake again. At least she can generate some tears towards removing her geas...


it hurts but they probably are not meant for each other so its for the best


Hate to say it, but I am inclined to agree. Zander and Springfield don't exactly share a lot of interests and aren't exactly compatible with the circles they move in. At least Zander fixed the mess in Springfield's mind that idiot Thunderhoof caused.

Simone Spinozzi

never say that a good deed goes unpunished.