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Hey guys….Sorry about the delay. I had posted this chapter five days prior, but some technical issues had to be dealt with, and it took some time. I appreciate your patience. Enjoy….

Chapter 20- Back to the In-Between

“Not this place again,” He muttered as he walked up to the familiar bench. Harry sat on the same bench he had occupied the last time he was here. He looked down to his right, hoping to find a baby-like corpse writhing in pain, but he didn’t.

“Don’t worry.” He jumped slightly when he heard a deep baritone voice speak out. “This time, you won’t find him here.” Harry searched around, looking for the source of the voice, to find nothing. “No.” He heard it again. “You won’t find me, boy.”

“Who is it?” Harry questioned roughly as he stood up. “Reveal yourself. Dumbledore, if it is you….” The voice chuckled once more. “Dumbledore is not dead, young man. You, on the other hand, cannot be said the same.”

He felt his heart sink as he heard those words. Was he dead? He sat back down on the bench heavily, his hands clutching the bench. He was dead. He let that sink in for a while. He felt tears stream down his cheeks as the weight of the situation struck him. His family was the first thing he remembered. He lost his family, but this time, the other way around. He wished that nothing had happened to the others.

“So I am dead then?” He asked finally, composing himself. “Not really.” He heard the voice speak back. “Right now, you are neither dead nor alive.”

The memory of his last visit here flitted through his mind. “Yes.” He heard the voice speak. “It is the same as last time.”

“You are a hard man to get hold of, Peverell. Just like your ancestor was.” It continued. “How many has it been?” Harry could not help but think of all those times he escaped death. The Quirrell mess, basilisk, a hundred dementors, Tri-Wizard Tournament, Umbridge’s dementors, the possession incident in his fifth year, the inferi in the cave, cross-fire between the Death Eaters and the Order members, the wedding of Bill and Fleur, snatchers, finding the sword under the ice, Malfoy Manor accident that could have easily been him instead of Dobby, the Gringotts incident with the Dragon, and the final battle where considering he was already dead once before coming back to life by accident.

“I am Harry Potter.” He shot back to receive another chuckle. “You are. But to me, you will always be Peverell.”

“You were brought here to let you know a few things. After that, you will return.”

“Why?” Harry questioned. “Why let me go back again? This is the second time, and this time, I don’t know why I was brought here when nothing could tie me back to the living. I had his Horcrux back then, and unless there is another that should keep me here, I don’t know why I am being sent back.”

“You were not supposed to end up here in the first place, the first time, Peverell.” The voice explained. “I might be Death, but I have one job. Bring back the finished. But a power above me has the final say in my actions. Fate.”

“As long as death is written in a man’s fate, he would not die. You keep living. You are a living example of it. Not even Death can get to such a man.” The voice explained.

“You were not supposed to get back here, Peverell. This world is not yours, and you do not belong here. No man can ever truly belong to the past. You are always supposed to live in the present. No past and indeed not the future. You coming back in time was a slight against the way of life.”

“But I don’t know how I ended up here,” Harry argued. “How am I being held responsible for this mess? Why was Daphne brought back with me?”

“I am aware of it.” The voice soothed the young man. “However, you are being brought back to fight.” Harry snorted. “Of course, I have to fight.” He muttered, irritation flaring into his words.

“Your partner, on the other hand, was just bad timing. She was at the wrong place, at the wrong time.”

“Why me?” Harry questioned. “Balancing the equation.” The voice explained. “There should be an entity to match every question posed by time. You are supposed to be that entity to answer the new question. The greater the question, the greater the answer.”

“I cannot change everything that has happened till now, young man. But you can. You can change the future. Ensuring that your past will be born into a better future is a rare opportunity.”

“I am not supposed to tell you who was responsible for this mess. That is not my job to do, providing answers. You have a foe bound by birth and a foe bound by time. Your job is to nullify their presence, and rest assured; I will not bother your family anytime soon. You have my word.”

Harry perked up at that. “But let me remind you that your second foe is a very dangerous man. Someone more knowledgeable and more dangerous than Voldemort. I promised not to bother your family, but only after you accomplish your task. A small token of appreciation, if you will.”

“But up to that, you should protect your family. They will not be able to escape my hands if that situation does arise. I will protect your family long if you give me two souls in exchange.”

“Farewell, Harry Potter.” The voice rumbled around the place, and before Harry could reply, he felt darkness enclose his senses.


“Any changes?” Dorea sighed as she faced her husband. “No.” She shook her head sadly.

“His condition has not seen a stitch of improvement since that night. He is barely breathing. His body is still cold as ice and has been ashen. He is barely…” She broke down as she remembered the state the young man was in.

Charlus was beside his wife instantly as he held her in his arms. She was at her wit's end. She was trying everything she knew. She consulted every specialist she worked with. She had been at St Mungo’s most of the time, trying to come up with something, only to come home every day and sit in front of the young man and cry.

Invariably, the rest of the family began fearing the worst. Everybody lost hope whenever Dorea returned with no answer to his condition. Everybody except four. James, Narcissa, Daphne and young Bellatrix. The little girl was highly confident that Harry would pull through. Daphne was the same. She had stayed with Harry every passing moment. She barely ate, and it was next to him when she did. She barely slept, and it was next to him when she did. She was not worried. She was not afraid of losing out on the young man.

She was the one to reassure Dorea that nothing would happen. She was adamant that nothing would happen to Harry, that he would wake up in no time.

Narcissa, on the other hand, reacted the exact opposite to Daphne. She was worried just like her aunt was. She spent every waking moment with her aunt, helping her score through several books and look for spells that might shed some light on his condition. She had set up the tent in the Potter Manor, unwilling to leave this place until he was fine.

James reacted differently. The boy barely interacted with his family, choosing to remain isolated. Sirius tried hard to get him to open up, but the young Potter refused. He was not in a depression. James was too strong to go into a depression. But it worried the elder Potters in the household to see the young man full of life, sitting in his room, lost in his thoughts.

“Harry exerted himself beyond what was typical for a wizard. The human body is a vessel. Magic, it’s content. The more you fill your vessel, the more it is bound to overflow. Overflowing of magic wears the body down. Exerting magic beyond one’s capability is hazardous. But using magic meant for three different vessels into one is life-ending.” Dorea whispered.

“I still don’t get how he is alive after that stunt he managed to pull…” She paused mid-sentence when she heard a desperate gasp from the bed. Dorea was onto him in a flash as she grabbed the young man’s hand.

“That…hurts…” He croaked between his gasps as he grimaced weekly. “Don’t say a word,” Dorea warned as she waved her wand over his face, muttering beneath her breath. Harry smiled weakly at the woman as she fussed over him.

“You had us worried, son.” Charlus piped as he stepped up next to his wife. “What you did was not right.” The man sounded disappointed.

Harry coughed a little, grimacing as pain shot through his every joint. “Don’t!” Dorea exclaimed as she shot her husband a look. “Don’t speak.” Harry made to say something but dissolved into another fit of cough, and this time, he coughed blood.

“Stop it!” Dorea ordered, irritated by his intentions. “I know that you want to talk, but you should not. Listen to me and remain quiet. You are coughing blood.” She immediately summoned their house elf.

“Tippy, get me a clean cotton cloth.” The elf vanished instantly, returning with the item she requested. Dorea then wiped the blood off his chin and cheeks with soft, gentle strokes. She couldn’t stem her tears as she continued to wipe his face.

Harry couldn’t bear to see the woman cry. There was relief on their faces but a grim sense of sadness around the three. His father seemed highly disappointed, and his mother could not stop crying.

Harry moved his arm with great difficulty despite the pain and his mother’s protest and grabbed the woman’s hand. Dorea broke down as soon as he held her hand in his. She cried as she held his hand in both of hers.

“You stupid, stupid boy.” She shook her head as he made to speak. “Whatever it is, we will not be discussing it now. You should not be exerting yourself at this moment. Listen to me, will you?” The young man nodded.

“You should not be anywhere near magic. You are not supposed to use magic, nor should anybody use magic nearby. It should be the same until I confirm that you are healthy and stable.” She ordered.

“Rest for now.” She whispered as she stepped away. “Us being near you would be problematic for a while. Have a good sleep. I will bring up your dinner, and from tomorrow at the earliest, you will be able to talk without your body hurting you.”

Harry nodded slowly, and they walked out of the room. Harry felt bad seeing them in this mood but would never feel sorry. He would do it again and again. He would do it for his family without thinking for a second. He would do it again and again, no questions asked.

He knew he was in for an agitated few days. He was sure to expect the same reactions from the Blacks. He knew they would not be happy, but he also knew they would come around, and they would understand why he did it.

He let out a long sigh, and his thoughts returned to the conversation with the entity. He knew the endpoint. But now, there was a new player. One that was more powerful than Tom.

Now, this was a headache. The bastard alone was a handful to deal with. He knew what the man was capable of. He knew what he could do, the damage that he could cause. If there was a wizard who could make him look tame, he can’t be missed. He would know this man. He really should be giving his brain a lot of work. He would have to find out who this person was. He shouldn’t be able to miss someone like the description.

The scenario that scared him was the union of those two. He couldn’t begin to list the problems that would bring—mass destruction. Tom was capable of it, and judging by his description, this person was too. Their ganging up would make his chances very difficult.

How was he supposed to learn about this person when he didn’t know where to look for him? How was he supposed to find a person who had made the jump?  Where was he supposed to begin?

He should get better. He could look for the person by being up and about. He would not be of any use if he stayed here. He felt his eyes droop as fatigue began to override his senses, and he drifted to sleep.


“He is fine,” Dorea announced to the rest of the family. Sighs of relief followed the declaration from the woman as the Potters felt relieved after the tense few days. Every moment of the day was spent worrying about the young man.

Daphne made to go out, but Dorea stopped her. “I know what you are feeling dear. But I have to forbid you from going up there.” Dorea continued before allowing her to protest. “He should stay away from magic for a few days. None of us should be around him for a few days. Magic would be taxing on his state and would hamper his recovery. We left him to rest immediately.”

“Now, Charlus and I are thinking of sending him away to one of our houses in the muggle world.” She explained. “Just him.  That would do him some good and help him recover quickly. And when I say alone, I mean alone. None of us would be accompanying him. We can appoint somebody to care for him for a few days until he is alright.”

“Is he alright?” Daphne questioned, worry prominent on her face. Dorea smiled gently at the young woman. “He is. He is fine and will return to his healthy self in a few days. I know you want to see him, but I will tell you when. Just keep away from him till he is stable.”

Daphne didn’t like it, but she agreed. His health took maximum priority. She can manage a few days without speaking to him just fine.

It was then that she caught sight of James. James had become a different kid ever since that night. Daphne loved James because of his ability to smile. The boy was cheerful and could bring a smile to any face. A soul pure and unburdened by the demanding ways of the world. Every time she spoke to James, she could see the happiness in his eyes.

Everything had changed since that night. James became serious. She had never seen James being serious. The boy never lost his smile, but from that day, James never found his smile. He had closed himself off to the rest of the family. Everybody had tried talking to the young man, urging him to talk about his thoughts, but to no avail. It was common knowledge that Harry’s situation had troubled the young man greatly.

“James?” Daphne spoke gently, and for the first time in many days, Daphne made out something in his eyes. Relief. “Are you alright?” James nodded slowly.

“Is there anything you wanted to talk to me about, James?” The youngster shook his head. “Nothing of much importance. We can leave it to another day.”

“Are you sure?” The young ma nodded resolutely. “Yes.”

“Please remember you can always come to me or your brother anytime. Any questions you have or any help you need, we will always be available.” The boy smiled slightly at the woman and stepped out of the room.

“James is a strong young man,” Euphemia spoke as the others turned back from the door James had left through.

“Things like depression don’t bother him. This is not some form of depression but is a part of his growing up. This is the birth of a mature James Potter. One who has finally decided to outgrow his jovial and funny version. Everything that happened that night has finally let him grow out of his younger self. He is now learning the harsh reality of the world.”

“Don’t worry too much about him.” She assured the group. “Harry being inured is, in turn, a blessing for young James. Don’t worry too much about him.”


She knew it would not be easy to see him. She had been warned about the consequences of exposure to magic, but she could not resist. She wanted to make sure that he was fine personally.

She would likely earn an earful of scoldings from her aunt, but she did not care. She had to make sure that Harry was safe.

She had found her way in front of the room that opened up to Harry’s. She held her breath, and as she reached forward to enter, the door handle went hot, instantly taking her by surprise.

“I had warned you against it, didn’t I?” Daphne spoke up as she walked in behind Narcissa. The young woman glared at Daphne as she nursed the dull pain in her palm.

“What did you do?” Narcissa hissed as she waved her wand around her palm. Daphne held her hands up in surrender. “I didn’t do a thing. Dorea was the one who placed a ward over the door, and none have managed to get in. She was adamant that nobody, including her, was supposed to enter that room. Not till he is well and truly alright.”

“So none of us are supposed to know how he is doing?” The younger blonde questioned heatedly, only for the older girl to sigh. “I am pretty sure that Dorea’s words have merit, Narcissa. When she tells me that Harry is ill, he is ill.”

Narcissa turned away from the young woman. “Fine.” She grumbled and began walking away.

“I get it,” Daphne whispered, but Narcissa could hear it over the silence. “I get that you are worried. We all are. I worry for him more than you can imagine, Narcissa. You have never known him like I did. Every minute that passed was torture. You would never understand what I went through.”

“Please stop right there.” Narcissa bit back, her face flushed with anger. “I don’t know what kind of relationship you share with Harry, and I never want to know about it. But never question my feelings when it comes to him. Never question my love for him.” She froze as soon as those words left her mouth.

Daphne narrowed her eyes at Narcissa, who was still shocked by what she had spoken. Daphne hummed thoughtfully and crossed her arms.

“I…” Narcissa began but very quickly lost her voice. Daphne remained silent, her cold blue eyes not leaving the young woman for a moment. The tension between the two was palpable until Daphne decided to walk away without a word, leaving behind a still-surprised woman who was shocked and yet to recover from her outburst.


Cold. It was chilling, and the wind howling ferociously added to the harsh conditions of the place around the spooky castle ahead. The snow was an ever-present factor adding to the dread of this place.

A man seemingly appeared out of nowhere and continued down the path, his hands stowed in his pockets as he walked up to the enormous doors of the castle. His stormy grey eyes lit up slightly as he regarded the castle from the front doors.

“Good old days.” The man sighed, a fond smile on his face. The memories flooded back as he relished in the memory of all his exploits. The voices that he shut down. The Ministries that he made to tremble. The spilt blood. The fear his name instilled in every heart. The reason he built this beautiful creation of his.

“Good old Nurmengard.”



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