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  • Start with a new fic 8
  • Continue with the ones in hand 49
  • 2023-06-02
  • —2023-06-03
  • 57 votes
{'title': 'Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Start with a new fic', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Continue with the ones in hand', 'votes': 49}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 3, 18, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 2, 17, 32, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 57}


Ok. Just like I mentioned when I posted the most recent chapter, I would like to know if you guys are okay with what I have planned. So, let me put forth my question. Would you want me to start a new fic along with the ones planned, or should we do the ones in progress before moving on?



I think you should focus on Here We Go Again the most. That story is really shaping up well. It feels much more planned and everything is cohesive and well written. Both Narcissa and Daphne have great characterizations and Harry’s family is great. How they were brought in and learning about his past/future was well done. Veela and her Lion started really strong until the Tri-Wizard Ceremony. Then sort of fell off with the Fleur characterization for 4-5 chapters, it felt a little forced in both her attitude then them getting together, I would almost propose a soft rewrite just from the choosing of the champions onward - it was a little wild to be honest. Harry decapitating fake moody with a knife in the great hall in front of everyone was unnecessarily brutal and seemed a little over the top. Parts of the story are really great, even in the post champion choosing chapters, and your character writing of Ginny and Astoria and their friendships and interactions with Harry was really well done. Not to mention Gabrielle, who was brilliant. Just the romance aspect felt forced and Fleur’s attitude was confusing and wrong. I feel like it would have been a better relationship as a slow burn (maybe not true slow burn but closer to second task without all the turmoil of getting them paired so fast). Harry has no prior relationship experience and still is dealing with tons of different things when the tournament pops up. The relationship pacing that was building while they were getting to know each other Pre-selection was good and felt natural. Just because they are the endgame doesn’t mean they need to be paired in less than 3 months full of tumultuous behavior and it felt like you just really wanted them to get together even if they weren’t ready for that. I really love the idea of the story and parts of its execution. I just think that based on your writing and what I know you’re capable of writing that those chapters could be redone and the entire story would flow better. Obviously just my opinion and I enjoy your stories. I think focusing on making what your currently doing great as opposed to spreading yourself across more stories for now would be the direction I’d go with.

Eamaan Allahdad

What about your older story’s any plan to continue them I was hook on them long time ago