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Chapter 9- Two down

He had finally decided that he would get back to Hogwarts. Properly. He had no intention to keep going to and from the Potter Manor. He had to get back to his classes sometime. Sirius and Narcissa had agreed as such. He remembered the conversation that he had after his first task of the tournament.

The headlines had stared back at the two of them. Harry Potter kills a Manticore!

Narcissa had watched the task, but she was yet to come out of her state of shock. She was livid about what was done and if not for Harry, the organizers would have been on the receiving end of an irate Black family member.

Sirius was both shocked and proud. Of course, he would be. Battling dragons were supposed to give heart attacks and fighting a manticore was fatal. He had killed a manticore. Harry hoped that Narcissa shared the same sentiment, but she would have called the two of them mental if they had asked her to believe so.

He walked straight to the defense classroom for the first hour. He was curious as to what Moody was teaching. He knew that the man was hardcore and he would be attending his class for the first time. He got to the class and he found that the other Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs were walking to the class.

He silently walked behind the rest of the class and took a seat at the back of the class. The man who was waiting for them was at the front of the class. He stepped up as the class was filled. “Ok.” He began in his gruff voice. “We began learning stunners this past week.” He paused, the clunk of his metallic leg echoing around the room. “Today, we will be learning another variation of this stunner. The wide area stunner.” He took in each of the students' expressions.

“Wide area stunners, like the name, suggests, work for a large area and on a large number of people. If there are a hundred of them in front of you, with enough power, we can cause all hundreds to lose consciousness.” Moody explained.

“Instead of targeting a single person, as we have learned from our stunners, this concentrates on an entire area that you have in mind. It is easy to defend. A shield around you would do, but as I pointed out, if used properly, with power, it will be a good spell to have in your arsenal.”

“The incantation is stupefy. Same as the normal one, but you will be focusing on a wider margin.  Finnigan! Mcmillan! Thomas!” The three boys and also the rest of the class jumped slightly at the gruff commanding voice.

“Get up here and make it quick.” The three boys hastened to follow his orders. Harry noticed that the three of them looked scared. He couldn’t blame them. The man is a nut case according to Narcissa and Sirius. He doubted if the man would attack students. He stifled a chuckle as the man regarded the three of them keenly, almost sizing them up. Moody raised his wand and with a muttered incantation, a wide beam of red light shot from his wand and the three boys collapsed on the floor in a heap.

Moody shook his head. “See what I did there? It was a weak spell, mind you. They could have defended themselves. You people better learn the shield spell before I leave Hogwarts this year.” He growled and the others muttered a hasty ‘yes sir’, not wanting to irritate the man.

“For mass stunning, this spell is your go-to. Instead of taking out each of them, you can take out the group. But like I said if used properly. Otherwise, it is just your normal stunning spell. It will take a while before you can get the hang of it. It is not a very easy spell of any sort. But with enough effort, it would be easy to learn it.” Moody finished.

“Potter!” he barked, and Harry stood up. It was then that he noticed the reaction of the students around him. He had failed to notice it all these days, but that was because he had chosen to remain home instead of the castle. They were afraid of him. They tried to inch away from his place and were casting fearful glances toward him.

“Sir?” He muttered, though his voice carried through in the silence. “You know this spell?” He questioned and Harry nodded. “Come on up here.” Harry obliged, as he stepped up to the veteran author. He waited for further instructions.

“How much can you go for?” Harry knew what the man was asking. “Anything you say, sir.”

The older man’s piercing stare was met by Harry. “Let’s see.” He turned back to the class and then asked the question that Harry was hoping he would ask. “Who would like to volunteer?”

No hands were raised. Each one of them was staring at Harry like he would start attacking the next moment. Harry knew that this was the reaction to his actions on Halloween night. But he didn’t regret his actions that night. He would never regret it. He did the right thing. Crouch just played with his life and he would be a fool if he didn’t react suitably.

"Very well." With a few swipes of his wand, Moody conjured a flock of pigeons that immediately began to take to the sky. He had the presence of mind to close the windows and doors so that they wouldn't escape. It mattered little anyway. The conjurations would disappear in an hour at the most.

"I heard about your abilities from Professor McGonagall, Potter. I did get to see what you could do in the first task. This won't be much, but I want you to do it anyway."

“Stun them, Potter.” Harry nodded and without thought, his wand was moving in a flash. Just like that, all the birds dropped down one by one still as a rock. Harry quickly placed a cushioning charm over the floor as they dropped down.

“Silently as well. Good work Potter. Take twenty points.” The ex-Auror growled, vanishing his creations. He motioned for Harry to go and take a seat.

“Alright, you lot. Get your wands out and begin.” He snapped and the students hurried to begin their work. Harry watched the entire class go about doing the spell. Nobody talked to him, nor looked at him all the while. Not even Ron and Hermione. He longed for his friends. He remained stoic regarding the two, but he was missing them.

When the class was over, the students trudged out the door and Harry followed.

“Ron…Hermione?” Harry expected them to stop walking, but they didn’t. He rushed forward and reached the two of them. “Guys….wait up.” He joined them on their walk.

“What do you want?” Harry was taken aback by Ron’s tone. The redhead and the brunette turned to stare at Harry. “What….”

“You know what, save it.” Ron snapped. “We have nothing to say to you, Harry. Sorry….” Ron backtracked. “Lord Potter.” He sneered. “We don’t know you anymore. What I knew was that the Harry I knew would never resort to killing somebody and then laugh about it.” He said.

“Keep your voice down,” Harry whispered, not wanting to gain attention. “Or what?” Ron questioned. “Are you finding the attention you draw too much?”

Harry who had been calm all this while had enough. “Stop it!” His voice had the two of them flinch. “Are you done?” Harry questioned, his voice rising steadily. “Sorry I bothered you.” He walked away. He didn’t have anything to talk to them and he certainly had no interest in fighting.

He shook himself. He did not need them if they could not understand why he did what he did. He had to be stronger than this. “Well, I guess this is how people will look at me from now on.” He spoke to himself. He left the castle and began his walk towards the Black Lake.

He caught sight of the Beauxbatons carriage and Fleur Delacour coming out of the carriage. His mind went back to the thoughts regarding the beautiful French Veela that he had been having recently. He had apologized to the girl and he never knew why he did so, but he confessed that he liked her. In hindsight, he should not have done that. He felt exposed in her eyes. He got up and walked away from that spot. He had no intention to meet the girl at least for now.


"I hope all of you have gathered around?" Madame Maxime spoke up over the chattering of the students. They went quiet as the woman waited patiently.

"Very good." She nodded. "Now, I have had you gathered here to make an announcement."

"I have been informed by Headmaster Dumbledore that on the 25th of December that there will be a Yule Ball." The woman had to pause for a few seconds as the whisperings grew as she had expected.

"Let me remind you that this will not be a private ball. You will be attending as the representatives of the Besubaxtons Academy. I should not hear a single complaint about my students behaving negatively. I won't stand that." She warned pausing so that the message would sink in.

"Rest assured," Her voice gained back the gentle edge. "Please enjoy yourself." She smiled and began moving out of the room.

"You will be opening the dance with your fellow champions, my dear." The woman chuckled as Fleur flinched ever so slightly.

"Madame," Fleur whispered, her shoulders relaxing. "I am sorry, Madame. I have no wish to participate in the event." She shook her head when she noticed the males watching her, lust evident in their eyes.

Maxine watched the girl sadly. Fleur had very few friends and none of them was male. The females could barely stand her, abusing her for the poor behavior of the males. She didn't want to put the girl in a tight spot, but she had no choice.

"I am sorry, Fleur. You are obligated to do so as the champion."

The young woman nodded stiffly and walked out of the carriage.

She sat down at her regular spot near the Black Lake. She had yet to solve the Golden egg. The second task was not anytime soon, and Fleur didn't make it too hasty. She contemplated the new headache that her headmistress had piled up on her.

Where will she find a date to the Ball? She sighed in frustration, chucking a pebble into the lake. The first person that came to mind was him. It was always him. She couldn't think of somebody other than him, since he apologized.

She could swear that he was troubling her every day and yet, she enjoyed it. She liked to think about him. All the days they spent together since she arrived until they fought over something silly, was a beautiful memory.

She went back to the last time they talked, after the first task. She had decided to apologize to him and she decided that now was the best time as any.

She reached the Great Hall, nervous about what was about to happen. She had to do this. For her peace of mind.

"Come on Delacour." She muttered walking to the Gryffindor table. She had caught the eye of many Hogwarts students, but she didn't care for it. She had to see one particular person.

She saw him somewhere in between the table and smiled. She would have walked that way, but froze when she saw him with that red-haired girl. The two were smiling at something and she saw him lying down on her shoulder.

Ginny Weasley. That was the girl she had met, on her first night here. Was there something going on between them?

She failed to notice it, but her allure had flared considerably affecting most of the hall. She didn't take her eyes off the two of them. She felt the young man stiffen in his seat and turned around, instantly meeting her eyes with his. He was taken aback by the intense look, she was sure that she sent his way.

She fought hard to keep her facade. How dare he become close to another girl? The rational part of her mind had completely switched off and she could only think that the man she was attracted to, didn't feel the same way. She glared at the young man, her fists clenched tightly.

"M…Ms. D. Delacour?" She turned around and she came face to face with a young man she had seen near the Ravenclaw table. She sneered slightly as she could see the man fighting too hard to control himself.

"What is it?" Her voice was cold and crisp.

"I'm….I…Will you go to the ball with me?" He finished, stuttering all the way.

The hall watched with bated breath as the goddess of Beauxbatons stared at Roger Davies.

Fleur would have rejected the boy outright if she had not seen Harry’s face.

His jaw had tightened and his eyes had narrowed. Was that jealousy she detected? He was glaring at the boy and Fleur could feel his anger directed at the young man next to her.

She smirked internally. "I would love to, Monsieur." She replied, and she reveled in the shock on his face. She was laughing internally, having gained another upper hand against the young man. 'You will regret missing out on me, Harry Potter.' She stepped forward and linked her arms with the now-shocked boy.

She had to hide a grimace as the boy gazed at her lustfully. She led the boy out. She would have her man at the end of the year. Harry Potter had better be ready for Fleur Delacour.


He truly has become lonely these days. Ginny, for all her constant support, was just not available all the time. She had her own life to lead. On top of that, he had to find a date for the stupid yule ball. He let out a sigh of frustration at that. Where would he find a girl if none wants to associate with him? He would have asked Ginny out as friends, but she was already going out with Neville. The same was true with the Gryffindor chasers. That was all the friends he had with whom he would not have minded going to the ball. And then, there was her.

He had hoped that he could restart their conversations after he had apologized to the girl. Instead, she had kept her distance from him. That bugged him. He had apologized not just for the words he spoke, but so that they could be around each other again. That he might become close to the girl once more.

Fleur was the only girl he considered ever asking the Yule Ball. Not Ginny. Not the chasers, but Fleur. Now, that was not possible.

‘Fuck you, Roger Davies.’ Harry spat mentally. He had to go and ask her out.

He knew that she had to go with somebody eventually if he didn’t ask her, but it was not easy seeing it. The look that he was giving her had him wanting to break every bone in his body. He lost the last bit of interest that he had in the ball. He did not have any reason to go. He cared less for what McGonagall thought or even Dumbledore for that matter. He would just go back home, the day before.

He was about to get up and leave when he heard a gentle cough. He whirled around, his wand sliding into his hand, only to come face to face with a girl who raised her hands immediately in surrender.

“Sorry if I scared you.” She smiled slightly as Harry put his wand down. He observed the girl properly for the first time. She was short. Probably the same height as Ginny. Immaculate golden blonde hair and warm blue eyes. She was dressed in Slytherin colors.

“Can I help you?” Harry asked, wondering why the girl sought him out.

“No, but I can.” At his questioning look, the girl went on to explain.

“I want you to ask me to the ball, Harry Potter.”

He couldn’t help but stare incredulously at the girl. “What?” He croaked, still wondering if he had heard her right. “I would like it if you asked me to the Yule Ball, Lord Potter.” She was amused by his reaction. If Harry were in his senses, he would have been looking like a fool.

“Why is that so shocking? I expect a lot of similar questions have been bothering you for a few days now.”

“Why?” Harry questioned. He had never seen the girl before. Come to think of it, he had never seen many girls who had asked him out, but this girl caught his attention. Maybe her calm demeanor? He didn’t know.

“For one reason, you have no date to the ball. For another, I don’t have a date for the ball. For a third, I have pretty high standards. Fourth, I may have ulterior motives.” Harry narrowed his eyes at the girl.

Despite what she said, her body language screamed mischief. He could identify that in his sleep. But at the same time, she failed to dissuade him instantly. She caught his attention and she made sure that she had it.

“That is not the answer I was looking for.” She stared back at him challengingly.

“You can have them, but at my own time and only if you agree to take me to the ball.”

He groaned in frustration. Just who was this girl?

“Think about it, my Lord. You can take your time, but I am expecting an answer which is yes and soon. Don’t take a lot of time. We have a lot of purchases to do.” She waved at him and before he could ask the question plaguing his mind, she had disappeared.

“Who are you?” The silence was the answer.


“Did you ask him?” She was posed with the question instantly as soon as she reached the spot they had agreed to meet. She smiled to herself.

“Come on, Ginny. Why would he accept to take me when he doesn’t even know me?” Ginny glared at the girl before sagging slightly. “So you failed too?”

“Now I wouldn’t say that.” Ginny perked up. “I guess he will be asking me out soon.” The redhead blinked a couple of times before she jumped on the girl hugging her.

“What did you do?” She questioned excitedly, squeezing the girl tightly.

“Will you let go?” The young woman chuckled. “Nothing much. Just built some curiosity.” The Gryffindor shook her head. “Did you pull out that taunting Slytherin persona once again?”

At her nod, she laughed. “You should not scare people away, Tori.”

Astoria Greengrass gasped in mock offense. “I don’t scare people away. I just like to behave like a proper lady of my standing.” She sniffed, her head held high.

“You just won’t change.” Ginny huffed, smiling slightly. Her face fell slightly.

“Tori. I want to make a few things clear.”

“That he has no intention of carrying this more than the ball even if he asks me to it?” Astoria questioned rhetorically. “Yes. I know and I understand. Potter is just not my type.” She remarked.

“Good.” Ginny sighed. “It is just that, I asked you because you can keep yourself around him and not behave like the others. At this moment, many of them are not his fans, and knowing him and his temper, he might strangle somebody if they speak something that is not agreeable. “

“I understand.” Astoria nodded. “To my eyes, Potter will remain friend material.” She smiled.

“I expect something different from my man.”

“Anyway,” She began after a pause. “Who are you trying to make jealous by planning to pair the most eligible bachelor with me?” She was right. Not right now, but in a few years, Harry Potter will be the most eligible man in the Wizarding World.

“Fleur Delacour.” That caught her attention.

“The daughter of the French Minister of Magic? That is a very good match. Two very powerful families. Their union would be one for ages.” Astoria mused.

“Is everything politics with you, Tori? Lighten up.” Ginny chastised. The blonde shook her head and sighed. “That is how I was raised, Ginny. Politics is essential in a pureblood house.” She explained. “Anyway, why are you doing this?”

“That girl is stubborn. More than me. If she has to understand his value, this is the only way I could find.” Ginny explained.  “Are you sure?” Astoria questioned skeptically.

“They are attracted to one another. It is clear as daylight, but they need a push to confess. Otherwise, they would be dancing around each other for days to come. I hope I am doing the right thing.”

“Very well.” The blonde said after a pause. “If this blows up in my face, it is on you. I will hang you out dry.” She had to stifle a smile at the girl’s outraged expression.



I would like it if you could join me on the seventh floor across from the tapestry of Barnabus the Barmy. I had something important to talk to you about.


“Huh.” Harry had thought as he climbed up to the seventh floor. He wondered what that was all about. Must be something pretty important.

He reached his destination and knocked on the door that was seen as described by the headmaster. The door opened and Harry was face to face with the aged wizard.

“Ah…Mr. Potter. Do come in.” The man smiled as he invited Harry in and closed the door.

Harry noticed the room for the first time. The room was massive and filled with materials. Old brooms, sneakoscopes, books, parchments, and a lot of useless materials that were once important.

“That is a lot of things,” Harry whispered causing the older man to chuckle. “Ah yes. We will certainly get back to explaining about the room later. I need to show you something.” The two of them walked deeper into the huge place with Harry watching around intently.

"Ah yes. We have found what we were looking for." Dumbledore said, breaking the silence. Harry looked around to see what the man was talking about and there it was, a pockmarked stone warlock wearing a dusty old wig and what looked

like an ancient discolored tiara.

"Do you know what that is, Harry?" Dumbledore questioned, his voice soft and devoid of any emotion. At the young man's negative answer, he hummed.

"Naturally. Many would have no information regarding this artifact. The Ravenclaws are quite protective of the knowledge."

At the young man's frown, Dumbledore continued. "That my boy is Rowena Ravenclaw's lost Diadem."

Realization dawned upon Harry. He had read the tales about the legendary artifact crafted by the brilliant Ravenclaw herself.

Why is this here? Shouldn't it be displayed somewhere in the open? That was a historical treasure.

"I know what is running through your head, my boy. But it has been tainted." Harry's wand was in his hand before the new voice finished speaking and he was surprised to see a silvery figure gliding behind, staring at him in amusement.

"Calm down, Harry Potter. I mean no harm." The ghost replied, her hands held up in surrender. Harry felt silly holding up his wand at a ghost. He lowered his wand.

"My name is Helena Ravenclaw, Harry Potter. And that is my mother's diadem you are holding." Harry couldn't mask his surprise. This was Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter?

"I wanted you here so that you would get closure, Helena." The ghost sent a small smile to the aged man.

"Thank you, headmaster.” She whispered, staring sadly at the diadem.

“You said that it was tainted, Professor.” Harry interrupted, finding the ghost’s melancholy a bit sad. “Ah yes. I hesitate to speak about it. The heinous act done on such a brilliant piece of magic.” Harry was surprised to see the aged man shudder at his own words.

"I should have never trusted him, Headmaster. He was so charming and understanding and I failed to see past that." Helena lamented, silvery drops of tears began to drop down her cheeks.

"He had everybody fooled, my dear. You are not the first and you certainly would not have been the last. He had that charm.” Dumbledore’s eyes were lost in some thought.

“Tom fooled the world into thinking that he was someone he was not. A persona.”

“That, Harry, is one of the things keeping Tom afloat. A piece of his soul.” Dumbledore explained after a long pause. Harry’s eyes widened and he took two steps back at once.

“That is a Horcrux?” Harry questioned in shock.

“It is.” Dumbledore nodded.

“He came to me. He kept me company in his Hogwarts years and all the while, I was sure that he was keeping poor me company. He pried out the information regarding the location of the  Diadem.” Helena Ravenclaw spoke from next to Dumbledore.

“I revealed it. I never knew that he was capable of something like that.” She seemed to be ashamed of herself.

“What do we do?” Harry questioned after a break. He gave the ghost a break. He could understand. If somebody had tarnished something belonging to his parents, and when he is the cause of it, he would be devastated. He could feel for the woman.

“Destroy it,” Helena whispered, almost painfully. “It is a taint on her memory to just leave it without destroying that soul piece. Please do so Headmaster.” The older man nodded.

“Fawkes?” The legendary phoenix of Dumbledore flashed in with what Harry recognized as the Sword of Gryffindor from his second year. The phoenix flew up to Harry and dropped the sword in his hands and sat down on his shoulders trilling a beautiful tune.

"Ah…He recognises you from your second year." Dumbledore beamed. Harry smiled at the Phoenix, and brushed a finger against his plumage.

"Why don't you do the honours, Harry?" Dumbledore asked, surprising the teen.

"Forgive me." The aged man chuckled.

"Old Age is indeed catching up with me."

"The material that makes that sword is Goblin steel. Do you know what this entails?" Dumbledore questioned.

"It absorbs strength from material stronger than itself. In this case, the basilisk poison." The older man hummed.

"Very good." He appreciated.

"You are well informed. Not a lot of them have knowledge about something as obscure as Goblin steel."

"I used a basilisk fang on the diary back then. I guessed that this was something similar to that." He shrugged.

"There are a lot of books back at home, Professor." Harry said. "I have nothing better to do than read and I think I am learning a lot "

"Of that, I have no doubts. You have come leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of your peers, my boy. The rest of the students have to go a long way before they learn the magic that you have been perfecting. As a professor, I could not have been more proud, Harry. In a few years, I will be proud to have witnessed a wonderful student such as you." The man praised Harry.

"Well that is not anytime soon. We need to get back to the matter in hand." He retrieved his wand and without a word, he floated the Diadem onto the floor.

"Stab it," Dumbledore ordered and Harry obeyed in an instant. Just like his second year, an ear-splitting screech escaped the diadem as the same inky black red-eyed ghostly form escaped the Diadem before bursting into nothing.

Harry held his breath, waiting for anything else, but when there was no reaction from the diadem, that was now charred beyond recognition, he lowered the sword.

"It's done." He heard Dumbledore say. He heard a faint sniff from behind. The woman was crying.

"Thank you." She whispered before disappearing from the spot. Harry felt like he could have said something, but Dumbledore placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No. Let her grieve, my boy. She is free of it after so many years. Let her be." The two of them watched the place where the ghost disappeared, agreeing with that sentiment.

"Two down. God knows how much more to go." Harry whispered, as Fawkes trilled softly, making sure that the foreboding sense from the presence of a vile soul subsides.




I don’t know why you’re making Fleur just a shitty person, it’s making this story unreadable.