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Chapter 1- The Potter Vault

Harry groaned as the sunrays hit his eyes. Finally awake, he knew that it was futile to get back to sleep again so he decided to just get up and about with his day. He opened his eyes and squinted his vision taking in the familiar colors of the hospital wing at Hogwarts. He knew that he was placed in his reserved bed in the wing. Madam Pomfrey had decided to honor him by reserving a bed for him because of how frequent he was to this place. He couldn’t fault her. He chuckled softly and grimaced as he felt a little pain course through his body.

“Good afternoon, Mr Potter.” Harry was startled from his laziness and without thinking, he clicked his fingers and a disarmer shot from his fingers taking the other person by surprise, who Harry now recognized as Dumbledore.

Harry had disarmed the aged wizard and his reflexes was the one thing that helped him catch the wand zooming towards him. The moment the wand hit his palm, Harry felt his body vibrate and thrum with a new feeling. A feeling of acceptance and power. It felt right as if a long lost part of him had finally reunited with him.

“Wandless magic.” Dumbledore whispered softly, making Harry slightly nervous.

Seeing his expression Dumbledore was quick to say “That was an excellent display, my boy. I didn’t know you were capable of that?”

In response Harry shrugged. “I didn’t know that either. It was pure instinct. I lost my wand yesterday. Don’t know how, but when the Dementors attacked, I just used my hand and pushed my magic.”

“You summoned a Patronus with your bare hands?” Dumbledore questioned in fascination.

Harry nodded. “Fascinating. Not Something I have ever heard of before.” He whispered.

Dumbledore noticed the worry on his student’s face.

“There is no need to fret, Mr Potter.” Dumbledore assured as he wiped his glasses and put them back. A small smile played on his face. “There is no problem. I was merely excited about this new ability of yours.”

Harry made to hand the wand back to the man, albeit reluctantly. He felt uneasy about returning the wand.

Dumbledore shook his head with a small smile. “I assume you are finding it difficult to let go?” Harry nodded.

The older man hummed. “Just as I thought. The wand will not work for me any more, Mr Potter. It is your wand.”

“Mine?” He questioned, but the wand itself answered his question. His body and the wand hummed together and Harry assumed the wand was telling him that it belonged to him.

“Wands work in a very strange manner Mr Potter. Very strange, but wonderful creations. They connect with the very essence of a witch or wizard. I can’t provide you with the specifics, but the wand has recognized its master. It’s master by blood.” Harry stared at the wand. It was very beautiful. A work of art.

“Why does this wand feel so familiar?” He questioned, his eyes not leaving the wand as he ran his fingers through the carvings on his wand. There were a lot of intricate patterns on the wand.  He felt sad for losing his wand, but this just felt like it belonged with him and was waiting for the right time to make itself known to him.

“I feel that I am uniting with a missing piece.” He explained. He knew he was sure he had felt the very same feeling before, but he was unable to place it.

Dumbledore stared at Harry, his twinkle dimming in his eyes. “I would leave you to find that out, my boy. Solving mysteries can be exhilarating, I have heard. It will be fun for a young man such as you.” Dumbledore explained.

“I have a theory if you will.” Dumbledore continued and retrieved another wand from inside his robes. Harry nodded and he was disarmed by Dumbledore in a flash.

Dumbledore caught the wand and seemed to contemplate something, his silence explaining so. He shook his head. “No. I think the wand fails to recognise me anymore.”

Harry didn’t know why, but he felt this itch to take his wand back. It was uncomfortable for him to see his wand in another’s hand. He sent forward another disarmer taking the old man by surprise.

“Sorry, professor. I couldn’t resist it being out of my hand.” Dumbledore smiled once more.

“There you go. You, yourself have provided an answer to your question if it belongs to you. Do you remember what Mr Ollivander preaches to every one of his customers?”

Harry was quick to understand where this was heading. It was clear as daylight.

“The wand chooses the Wizard.” The two intoned at the same time. Dumbledore nodded.

“But why?” Harry questioned after a bout of silence. “Why is it choosing me?”

Dumbledore shrugged. “That is not my answer to give, Mr Potter. But I can give you a clue.” He said. “The wand of the Elder, the stone of resurrection, the cloak of invisibility.” He said.

“I am sure that you will come up with an answer.” He assured Harry.

“Now, to the main matter on hands. Poppy has asked me to tell you that you must not leave this bed until she returns.” Dumbledore said the twinkling in eyes brightening as he said so.

”Drat.” Harry whispered, causing the old headmaster to chuckle heartily.

“Poppy does have the tendency to be a bit strict regarding her patients' well being and won’t be convinced otherwise. Let me tell you something, my boy. This is her domain and it would be best for all who are here to listen to the woman.” Harry nodded, smiling at his words.

“First, let me tell you how wonderful your achievement was, Mr Potter. A corporeal Patronus at thirteen, is a massive achievement. And one as powerful as yours, almost like solid, it is unheard of.” Harry ducked his head under the praise. “I was thirty by the time I could perform the charm and till date, I could never perform it like you did. Professor Flitwick awarded two hundred points right after you fainted. I have never seen him so happy with a spell performed at Hogwarts.” Harry’s back straightened with pride.

“You chased away a hundred Dementors, Mr Potter. A hundred of them.” He went on. “I, of course, had them removed, but your wonderful creation stayed around for the entirety to help us round the dementors and dispatch them back to Azkaban.” He explained.

“Leaving that aside, I fear that you were not entirely truthful with us.” Harry stiffened in his place.

“I would appreciate it if you could tell us the truth, Mr Potter.”

Harry was deep in thought. He had to say something. He had an idea. He knew what he would say. He looked back to the Headmaster.

“Peter Pettigrew is alive.” He whispered and he received the exact same reaction he was expecting.

Not many things could surprise Albus Dumbledore. Not at his age. But this was not something he was expecting. He had of course expected the Dark Lord to not be dead. How could he be? A man as powerful as him, would not have died all that easily. But hearing that Peter Pettigrew had done the same, was a bit surprising.

Or had he?

Was he so foolish to discount the possibility? Had he let down one of his students by not giving it a thought all these years?

“That finger was a decoy.” He whispered as his mind furiously made the connections that it should have all those years ago.

Harry nodded.

“Yes sir. He is a rat animagus. I was able to figure it out. You will not believe where he was.”

Dumbledore shook his head with a sigh. One of his major flaws was that as a teacher who had taught thousands of students in his illustrious life, he expected only good things from all of his students. He tried his level best to ensure that the students become the best they can in their life and contributed to the society in a positive manner. However some did lose their way. He could just attempt to change that, but he could do nothing else. Tom Riddle and his followers were some of those he had not been able to save. Their lust for power took them to unthinkable levels.

But his own ignorance had put an innocent man in Azkaban. Among those vile creatures. He should have known that Sirius Black would die for James Potter.

“Did you have any idea that Pettigrew was hiding in his rat form with Ron and his family?” Dumbledore visibly blanched in shock. “Oh Merlin…” He whispered. This was going from bad to worse. “Did you…”

“He escaped.” Harry spat with such venom that it had Dumbledore recoiling. Harry Potter was a polite boy. Well mannered. He was a wonderful human to be around. Sometimes, he felt that Harry was too polite. He was certainly not polite anymore. His eyes burned with fury. Barely restrained fury.

“Let me assure you, Harry. We will do everything possible to capture him and we will make sure that he is sent to Azkaban.” Harry Potter’s visage changed suddenly, catching Dumbledore off guard. His eyes glowed dangerously and a cold smirk adorned his young face.

“I am sorry, Headmaster. But forget putting Peter Pettigrew in Azkaban. He will die by my hands. Writhing in pain and begging for mercy. I have a few dues to settle.”

Dumbledore was so shocked that he froze at the young man’s words. The intensity in his words was scary and promising. He knew that the young man would keep his word. His tone all but guaranteed that.

“Harry my boy…”

“Don’t bother Headmaster. This won’t be changing. It is a promise. I would ask if you could leave. I need to rest.”

Dumbledore stood up. The words he had spoken to Harry this time a year ago, reared in his head. Harry spoke once again.

“Me and Tom might be similar, Headmaster. But don’t forget that we are very much different as well. I know what you are thinking. I won’t budge, sorry. I need to live. I need to live my life. My mother and father laid their lives down for me. I won’t let their sacrifices go in vain. But let me assure you. I will never slip to his level. Not now, not ever. You have my word. I assure you this is not vengeance. It’s justice.”

Dumbledore nodded, but other than that, there was nothing he could do. He walked back towards his office wondering how he would manage to fix this mess.


Harry gulped down the vial of potions that Poppy had prescribed. It was the last week at Hogwarts and he had been following the regimen religiously. Poppy had insisted that he be given a thorough check regarding his health and he had complied. She was very unhappy that he had ignored his condition for all these years instead of getting himself checked. She had prescribed the potion regimen to right all the wrongs in his body.

The potions were doing a lot of good to his body. He had started to fill out gradually. He was nowhere like he should have been, an average thirteen year old, but he was getting there.

He got ready and walked down to the Great Hall. He had been pushing himself to eat more.

He saw Hermione and Ron waiting for him downstairs. He walked up to them.

“Let’s go guys.” The two nodded and began walking with him.

They entered the Great Hall and came face to face with the last person Harry wanted to meet early in the morning.

“Potter…Weasel and Granger.” Draco Malfoy drawled as he and his two goons Crabbe and Goyle stood beside him.

“Shove off Malfoy!” Ron growled as he took a step forward.

“Or what, Weasel? What would you do? Run to Potter?” He questioned, taking a step forward and looked Harry in the eye. Most of them watched with anticipation as to what would happen over here.

Harry shook his head and side stepped the Slytherins and carried on. The hall was actually surprised by his action. They had been expecting some form of retaliation, but none came.

Harry sat next to the twins. “Hey guys.”

“Morning.” The two greeted as he began his breakfast.

Harry didn't pay heed to any other thing except his breakfast. His friends sat down next to him.

"Why did you walk away, Harry?" Ron questioned heatedly. "The smarmy git." He grumbled.

Hermione was staring at him through narrowed eyes. Something that irritated Harry to no end.

“What is it Hermione?” He asked after finally getting fed up with her consistent stare.

“What is going on with you, Harry? You seem different. You are aloof and have been very quiet.” She asked

Harry shrugged, but didn’t answer.

“Harry!” She snapped and he was sure that she was flabbergasted when he showed no reaction.

"How is that any of your concern?" He asked coolly and Hermione reeled back as if slapped.

"Harry?" She gaped.

"Yes. Tell me. Why do you care?" He asked

"You are my friend, Harry. Of course I care." She replied.

"Why are you dead set on learning what is happening with me?" He questioned.

"And that tone. Don't you ever take that tone with me." Harry whispered.

"I would like it if my boundaries were respected by my friend, Hermione. I would appreciate that."

"I respect your boundaries." She tried to answer only for Harry to let out a snort.

"Does the Firebolt incident mean anything to you?" He asked.

"I know you meant well, Hermione. But you went behind my back to talk to Mcgonagall. That hurts Hermione." Harry whispered.

"Why do you have that weird obsession of learning what goes on with me, when you do not tell us everything going on with you?" He asked.

Her face took on an offended look.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned. "I have never held back anything from you." She argued.

"Oh, you think so?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow to which she nodded defiantly.

"When are you going to tell me about the time turner?” He asked and Hermione gasped and looked around quickly. Harry knew it was a secret. He knew that it was a very sensitive issue and nothing good would come out of it if some wrong pair of ears heard it.

“How do you know that?” She hissed angrily. “You weren’t supposed to know that.” She muttered.

“Oh…so it’s fine for you to know every single detail of my life, but not the same for me to know about yours, is it? Isn’t that hippocratic of you, Hermione?” He asked, glancing towards Ron who was busy stuffing food down his throat ignoring all sorts of conversation.

“How do you know about that?” She pried once again. Harry snorted. “I am not a fool, Hermione. I notice things too.” He stood up. “When I am not being given the full picture, I won't be doing the same.” He turned around and left without sparing a backward glance.

He walked towards the edge of the forbidden forests. Harry retrieved his new wand from his holster. He ran his fingers down the wand gently and he was sure he heard a soft purr from the wand. His wand seemed sentient. He was sure of it. He raised his wand and let his magic flow. His wand sang in tune with his magic. He silently summoned his old wand from the forest.

He was able to feel his magic sing in his body every time he used his wand. A whoosh was heard and Harry just in time caught the two pieces of wood that zoomed towards him. He looked into his hand at the two pieces of wood. A wave of sadness hit him when he looked at his broken wand. He held the wand in his hands and lit them with wand less magic. He threw down the wand as it ignited. He watched as the wand slowly burnt into ashes.

He wandered deep into the forest. He came across an open clearing probably somewhere in the middle of the forest. He stood in the center of the clearing and raised his wand along with his left hand. He concentrated and with a sigh, he spoke one clear word.


The result was astounding. The similar bluish beams left his wand and hand at the same speed and same power and struck the trees at the edge of the clearing and their trunks burst open. Harry smiled softly.

He levitated a small rock high into the air and with his wand, he sent a blasting hex and it struck true. He began experimenting with his magic. With a wand. Without a wand. Both hands without a wand. The results were the same. He was gradually becoming more in tune with his magic.

He sat down under a tree after a while. He had yet to break a sweat and he had been going at it for the past hour. He heard a rustling noise behind the clearing and he looked around. He followed the noise and slowly went on searching for the source of the sound.

That was when he saw them. The similar skeleton-like features and tall creatures. They were as fierce as they were beautiful. Harry recognized a herd of the creatures that were similar to his Patronus. He tried to avoid making any noise, not knowing how they would react. He slipped on his footing and the leaves rustled as he fell with a grunt.

He got up and almost jumped back when he stared right into the bloodshot eyes of one of the creatures. It was joined by the rest of its friends as Harry slowly stood up. He tried not to breathe too hard. He reached out his hand, tentatively, and tried to stroke the animal. The animal sniffed his hand and evaluated him for a few minutes. He was still. As still and quiet as he could be. He didn’t know when and how he would offend the creature.

The beast leaned forward and nuzzled his outstretched arm. Harry smiled as he slowly  caressed the animal. The other animals surrounded him and tried to gain his attention.

“Harry?” Harry recognised the voice of Hagrid. The big man was staring at Harry with a smile on his face. “You have met the thestrals, I see.” He exclaimed jovially. Nothing interested Hagrid more than these creatures. He still remembered how he tried to raise a dragon in his wooden hut.

“What are these creatures, Hagrid?” Hagrid was more than excited to give him the information.

“Thestrals, Harry.” He began. “They are powerful magical creatures. Extremely intelligent. They can only be witnessed by those who have witnessed death.” Harry was surprised.

“You mean that, if we haven’t seen someone die, we will not be able to see him?” He questioned. Hagrid nodded.

He then frowned. “Don’t you know about thestrals? They are the insignia of your family, Harry. Your family symbol.” Harry was getting more and more confused.

Sirius said something about his family and now Hagrid. Dumbledore mentioned something about the wand being his blood. He meant something about his family for sure.

“Hagrid?” He questioned. “Did you forget something when we went to Gringotts? Something related to my family?”

Hagrid frowned in confusion, deep in thought as he tried to remember what I was telling him. “Your family vault!” He exclaimed.

“I forgot to get you to your family vault.” He remembered. Harry nodded.

“Thanks, Hagrid. You have been a great help.” Harry smiled at the big man and turned his attention back to the thestrals. He watched them for a while and finally turned back to return to the castle.

“Harry?” He was stopped by Remus Lupin. “Professor?” The man shook his head. “Not any more.” He was referring to his departure as a Professor. Apparently, someone had let slip that he was a werewolf and the parents were worried about a dangerous person being around their children. Harry was sad to see the man go. He was a brilliant professor.

“You were the best we had, Remus.” He explained, not caring about what the man was insinuating. “Thank you for teaching the Patronus.” He said.

Remus smiled. “That was not all I heard. You seem to be more advanced than you let everyone see.” Harry shrugged. “Your father and mother would be extremely proud of you. I know I am.” He said.

“I have a present for you, Harry.” Remus handed over a parchment. “It belongs with you.” Harry received the Marauder’s Map from the man. He was still fascinated by this wonderful piece of magic. The creation of such an object was not something to ignore.

“Thank you.” Harry whispered. “I’ll be leaving now, Harry. I will write to you. I won’t make the same mistake again.” Harry nodded. He had expected as such from the man. He was happy that he was willing to mend the bridges. He smiled once again and left waving at the young man on his way.

Harry would be returning to Privet Drive tomorrow, but before that, he had some work to do.


Harry stared out the window as they passed the Scottish Highlands. Leaving Hogwarts was always difficult for Harry. This place was the only place he could call home. Be at home. Be free. As every year, he couldn’t wait to be back at Hogwarts. He was sitting alone. He didn’t feel like talking to anybody. Hermione was avoiding him and he didn’t want to speak to her for now. Ron was confused about what was happening, but he didn’t pay much heed to this.

The door of the compartment opened and Ron walked in. He sat down opposite Harry.

“What’s wrong, Harry?” He questioned. “The two of you are acting weird. Hermione is acting weird and you are detached. What is the matter? Did something happen?” He asked.

Harry shook his head. “No Ron. I don’t think so.” He said. “But….”

“Forget it.” Harry interrupted. “You never know with girls.”

Ron nodded and then perked up.

“So… Wizards Chess?” Harry chuckled. Ron and his weird interest in chess. “Fine.”

The two of them sat down and played chess for sometime. Harry was grateful for that. It helped pass time and he needed that right now.

“You have improved Harry.” Ron said as he packed up the pawns. Harry shook his head.

“I still lost, Ron.” He pointed out. Ron laughed. “But that is not the point.” He continued.

“You have become so good. I actually had to fight to win this match.”

“Well, we do become good as we practice a lot, don’t we?” He questioned rhetorically.

He then noticed that the train was slowing down. He was surprised that they were playing for so long. They got off the train and Harry began his walk towards the exit. He observed the Weasley boys and Ginny being greeted by Mrs Weasley and Mr Weasley. He didn’t stop to be greeted by them.

As soon as he crossed the barrier, he began his walk towards the Leaky Cauldron. He needed to get into Gringotts today. He didn’t care if his uncle was waiting for him. The days when he needed to fear them were over. There was no use in fearing them anymore.

The Leaky Cauldron was not too far from King’s Cross, so he had no qualms in finding the place. He had  to make sure that none recognised him. That would not be good.

He carefully made his way towards the entrance of the Diagon Alley and then  tried to recollect the pattern that Hagrid had used to open the entrance. He retrieved his wand and tapped the bricks accordingly and the entrance opened up. Harry quickly made his way to the Great Marble building standing tall and proud.

He entered the bank and made his way to the tellers in the middle. He waited politely for the teller to finish his business. The goblin finished counting and raised his head. He saw a young boy standing in front of him and he seemed to be waiting.

“What can I do for you?” The goblin questioned. Harry cleared his throat.

“I wanted to enquire about the Potter family.” The goblin stiffened and sat up. “Heir Potter.” The goblin bowed low and the rest of the goblins followed suit. Harry was surprised by the show of respect. “Uhm…”

“What can we do for you, Heir Potter?” Harry gulped. What was going on here?

“I…I wanted to enquire about the Potter family.”

“Griphook?” Harry recognised the goblin who had guided him to his vault the first time he was here.

“Please take young Heir Potter here to his Account Manager.” The teller who had greeted Harry instructed the other goblin.

“I am very sorry to keep you waiting, Heir Potter. I didn’t know it was you.” Harry waved it off. “No sir. You were doing your job. It would be cruel of me to appear slighted for such a small issue.” The goblin bowed low and gestured to Harry to carry on.

Harry followed Griphook into the interiors of the goblin bank. He passed a lot of doors on his way. Bones, Crouch, Carrow, Greengrass. He followed Griphook hoping to see his family name after Parkinson. He was confused when he did not.

“Griphook?” The Goblin turned to him questioningly. “There is Pucey after Parkinson. Where is my family?” Griphook shook his head.

“No, young Lord. Potter is a much older family compared to the other families. The Potter family is one of the families that helped build this magical world. Your family had been widely known and respected even before the Blacks had arrived on the scene. There are records for the rise of the Black family and in those evidences, we were able to find out that the Potter family was well known.” Harry listened with wide eyes as Griphook talked to him about his family.

“Your family vaults are the most secure and protected vaults in the bank and the Goblin nation has stretched every single resource available to protect the vaults.” Harry swallowed and nodded. He was led to a double door that was huge. Griphook led him inside.

“Heir Potter, Snaggletooth.” Harry observed as a very old goblin looked up from some paperwork he was immersed in.

The Goblin seemed to be evaluating Harry as he looked at him from the top to bottom. He gestured for the other Goblin to leave. Harry didn’t waiver. He stared back defiantly at the old goblin.

“Take a seat, Heir Potter.” Harry sat down and waited for the goblin to continue.

“Why did you take so long to get here, Heir Potter?” The Goblin questioned. Harry decided to come clean with his explanation. He went on to explain everything that Sirius told him. Snaggletooth listened to him and nodded at the end.

“There is much for you to learn, Heir Potter.” He got up and gestured for the boy to follow.

“The Wizarding World is run by a number of factors, Mr Potter. One among that, is the old families, that we now know as the Most Ancient and Noble Houses. Your family is one such family. But the actual truth, there is no family as rich, historic and powerful as your family. The Potters were in existence even before the Blacks arrived on the scene and they were said to be the first two families of this magical world.” He explained.

“I have been the Potter family manager for the past four centuries, Heir Potter.” Harry almost fell over in shock at those words.

“Don’t be surprised, young Lord. You would be surprised to know the age of the Overlord of Gringotts.” Snaggletooth pointed out with a grin.

Harry reached a huge door that held the same animal that he had seen yesterday. The thestral. Harry instinctively reached out and caressed the crest in the center of the door. He felt something prick his hand and he withdrew it quickly.

“Fear not, young man. That was just a test. You have to be a Potter to gain entrance into your family vault.” Harry nodded. He waited and stared at the crest as it glowed brightly. The crest clicked inside the door and the entrance to the vault opened up for Harry.

Harry gathered all his bearings as he stepped inside the vault. Gold. Lots and lots of gold was arranged in rows. It took up a lot of the space in his vault. But that was not all. He could see a huge number of books, almost able to compete with the library at Hogwarts. He stepped further into the room and he noticed a photograph towards the side of the room.

Harry stopped in his tracks as he saw five people in the large photo frame. Two of them he recognised instantly. He had seen them in a lot of pictures in that album Hagrid gave him. His parents. James and Lily Potter.

The other two, he had no idea nor had he seen them before. The older man had a powerful air about him. He looked majestic even in the picture. He was the spitting image of himself and his father. His eyes were warm and filled to the brim with knowledge. The lady next to him was a very beautiful lady. Her eyes held a mother’s warmth and the pride in her eyes as she held the baby was palpable.

"Your Grandparents, young Lord. Two of the most wonderful people I have ever met in my life." Snaggletooth explained.

"Ruthless as they came and cunning, but very honest and noble. A match made in heaven, your Grandparents.Charlus Potter and Dorea Black Potter were the most honorable mages I had ever seen in my life." He said.

Harry didn't take his eyes off the picture as he heard the aged goblin speaking.

"Your mother, for a muggle-born, took to the position in stride left by Dorea Potter. She made an excellent Lady Potter. Your Grandmother adored your mother and coming from such a conservative family like the Blacks, that is a huge thing."

"All this you see here, is generations of worth of wealth and history of your great family, Mr Potter. But a fourth of this wealth was the brainchild of your mother and Dorea. Brilliant women those two. Their investments and business has kept your coffers running and with high speed too. Even though the investments have been nill for the past fourteen years, the returns that you receive on your businesses are fabulous!" He exclaimed.

"I have been the account manager of the Potter family for four hundred years now, Mr Potter and counting in two hundred years before that, I have never seen a man such as Charlus Potter in my life. I see him in you. I see your grandfather in you. I certainly hope that you will live up to their expectations.” Snaggletooth finished.

“Go on. Step onto that platform.”  He asked Harry to step onto a raised platform that was in the  middle of the huge vault. Harry followed the Goblins' words and stepped on the platform.

He watched as the ground in front of him opened up and a platform rose up. Harry noticed two rings sitting on the platform along with a note.

“Just as I thought.” The aged goblin whispered. “Put it on, Lord Potter.” Harry nodded, reaching out to take the rings. The two rings disappeared and appeared on his fingers. Harry felt a new sensation overtake him and a new power fill his body.

Dear Harry,

I hope you don’t have to read this letter, but if you did, then I guess that your parents are dead.

I know that I will be long gone before you read this letter. But I guess we can’t get everything we want sometimes.

The day you were born, I was the happiest man on this planet. Yes, your dad was bouncing on his feet, but his joy was nothing compared to what I felt. Me and your grandmother couldn’t wait to meet you. And when it was finally time, there you were. I was never more proud of my James than I was that day. He was always a bit of an easy going guy, your father. But you were the living proof of his maturity. That he got to grow up. I need to thank your mother for that. She was a brilliant woman.

I knew the moment you were born that you would grow up to be a wonderful wizard. You had that air of power around you. I was attached to you. There wasn’t a single day that you failed to go to sleep in my arms. You were mine and Dorea’s as much you were James and Lily’s. The prophecy that you would be the one to kill the Dark Lord worried your parents, but not us. That prophecy was a confirmation to the kind of boy you would grow up to be. And for us folks, that is a matter of great pride.

It would have been great if we had more time together, son. Not a day goes by without me thinking the same. These are dark times, my boy. We have to hope for very less other than surviving.

Other than that, I have left a black trunk in the vault. I have something very important that would be of great help when you take up your Lordship. I would like it if you keep it.

Anyway, I am glad that you are ready to take up your place, my boy. Make me proud and lead my family to greatness. Marry a beautiful girl and knowing us Potter men, we never settle for second best. Live son. I know it will be difficult. You may find it difficult, but I know you will push through. Be safe and healthy my boy. When the time is right, we will meet.


Charlus Potter

Harry chuckled softly as he read the letter, wiping the tears that were flowing from his eyes. This was something he would cherish for the rest of his life. He looked back down and glanced at the rings once more. The first one was bigger and more attractive. A brilliant red gemstone with the Potter insignia on it. The second one was smaller, but it was a whole lot different. Black stone on its space and a crow on the top.

“This ring?” Snaggletooth nodded. “The ring for the heir of House Black.” Harry raised an eyebrow questioningly. “You have been appointed as the heir of the House of Black by your godfather, Lord Potter.” Harry was surprised by that. Why had Sirius done that? Sure, he might have thought of him as his son, but giving up his heirship? Was it because of Azkaban?

He would like to know what that was for. For now, he would accept it. He looked around trying to find the trunk his grandfather mentioned. He saw the trunk in the corner of the vault. Harry walked ahead and knelt down to open the trunk.

“Ah…Charlus’s trunk. I guess the letter was from him?” Harry nodded. “It has a blood lock, Lord Potter. A drop of your blood is needed to open the lock on the trunk.” Harry complied, applying a small cutting curse on his right palm. The moment his bloody hand touched the trunk, the locks opened up.

Harry peered into the trunk, curious and also excited. The trunk was big. An extension charm and it was needed. There were at least three dozen books inside. He saw two wand holsters in the trunk. Maybe it was his, he thought. He also saw a set of parchments that were rolled up and tied. Harry unrolled the parchment roll and read inside. It consisted of hand written notes. At the end of the parchment, there were two letters. C P. Charlus Potter, he deduced.

Harry placed the parchment back into the trunk. He noticed a smaller trunk inside at the side. He could feel the same magic in the box that was placed on the trunk. He got the box to open and he retrieved a cigar. He saw that there were a number of them.

“Charlus’s cigars.” Snaggletooth chuckled. “They were his personal collection. Those are not ordinary cigars. They are a special brand that he used when he was annoyed or deep in thought or nervous. They are not like the normal ones. He somehow managed to make them ineffective for a wizard's health.” Harry placed the box back into the trunk and closed it. He shrunk the trunk and pocketed it.

He glanced at the vault once more. He retrieved the photograph and shrunk it once again. He turned back to the elder goblin.

“These are the statements of your family vault, Lord Potter. I will begin running the finances as you suggest from now. Rest assured, we will do a great job, young Lord.” Harry received the parchment and nodded.

“Thank you, Snaggletooth.” Harry bowed low to the aged goblin.

“Your ring would be of help to you to travel, Lord Potter. They have been charmed to provide information at your will. All your properties can be visited with the help of the Lord’s ring. You just have to listen to it.” Harry nodded and stepped out of the vault with the old goblin just behind him. He looked back to see the huge doors closing and locking up. He climbed back up the stairs and went towards the exit of the bank. He had a long day ahead.



Jakub Kiss

I must compliment u for this very much fine piece of work, chapter itself along with prologue are one of the most refreshing works i read in few last weeks and i hope, that your ides will come along this way as they did. Only downside i see, is that i need new chapter sooner u can give me :D Take care