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Chapter 18- Information

Harry and his entourage arrived at Potter Manor and he was immediately assaulted by a raven haired bullet. Harry caught the girl in his arms, just in time before he was about to be pushed back.

“Idiot!” Bellatrix exclaimed into his shoulder as she hugged him. Harry hummed, not about to answer anything more.

He extracted himself from the hug and smiled softly at the girl. “I am fine.” He stepped aside and he was greeted by the sight of a crying Lily. Harry gulped. She still didn’t seem to have forgiven him. He didn’t look into the girl’s eyes. He had nothing to say to the girl.

“Go inside and take some rest, Peter. We will see to the services later.” He didn’t receive a response from the young man. He put an arm on his shoulder.

“For what it’s worth, I am sorry for all of this, Peter.” Harry apologized and left the room.

Harry went close to James and bent down to whisper in his ear. “Write to Florella Parkinson. Tell her that we have brought Peter and it would be good for him if she arrives here, as soon as possible.” James nodded his understanding.

“Are you going back to Peverell Manor or Hogwarts?” He asked. Harry shook his head.

“No. Not right now.” James nodded.

“We saw your memories.” Harry paled at the words, he stepped back as quickly as possible, shock adorning his features. He looked around and sure enough, every eye was on him. Harry felt ashamed all of a sudden. He couldn’t look the others in the eye.

“Uhm….” He rushed out of the room. He was slightly ashamed of the others' reaction. It was not as if he was ashamed of what he went through. No. He had made peace with all those demons of his at a very young age. He was afraid of his family’s reaction. He was afraid of Bellatrix and Narcissa’s reaction. He was supposed to be this strong and dangerous Lord Peverell and A Potter, but these were not his best moments.

He arrived in his bedroom and sat down heavily on his bed. He sighed softly as he laid down on his bed. He closed his eyes, deep in thought and all those bad memories raised its ugly head. He suddenly felt very small.

He didn’t know how long it was but he felt another weight settle on his chest. He opened his eyes and his vision displayed his favorite blonde locks. Narcissa had cuddled up closer to him on his chest. She held onto his frame tightly as she drew circles on his chest, listening to his beating heart.

“I love listening to your heart beat, Harry.” She placed a small kiss on his chest and continued with her drawings. “I feel at home here. Especially with you.” She whispered.

She tried to snuggle closer to him. “I am cold.” She muttered. Harry raised his hand intending to put on a warming charm but Narcissa held his hand. “I was not speaking of a heating charm, Harry.” She muttered. “This is a different type of coldness that must be cleared by another method.” Harry chuckled softly as he put his arms around the girl and pulled her closer to him.”

Narcissa’s sigh of content elicited another chuckle from Harry. “Happy?” Narcissa nodded.

“Very happy.”

The two didn’t speak for a while, enjoying the closeness and silence between them for a moment.

“Why did you run away?” She asked softly. Harry knew that he would be posed a question regarding his actions. He decided that he would go ahead and be truthful. He didn’t want to lie to her. She would see through it very easily. She was very good at reading people.

“I felt slightly ashamed, Cissa. Those were not my best moments. They were not my strongest days.” Harry began.

“Everybody who has seen me, thinks that I am a beast. I appear stronger than the rest. I don’t show weakness. That has not been the case for a long time now.” He said.

“But when people see who I truly was. How, I was brought up, I won’t be the same Harry that you all know.” He muttered.

She snuggled closer, relishing the comfort his taut body provided to her.

“You are not one to care about another person’s opinion, Harry.” She pointed out.

“That is one of my favorite things about you, love. You are headstrong.” She pointed out.

“No. I never cared about others, Cissa.” Harry muttered. “It is you that I am worried about.”

He took the girl by surprise. Whatever it was, Narcissa wasn't expecting this for an answer.

“Come on, Harry. Why do you need to worry about us?” She asked incredulously.

Harry contemplated an answer. “Your first impression of me. What was it, Cissa?” Harry asked softly. Narcissa hummed, searching for an answer. “You are powerful, Harry. Very strong. Intelligent. And you are extremely handsome.” She whispered.

“You are very good at what you do. Fearless. Brave. You care for us.” She finished.

“Do you really think I was brave when you watched me in those memories?” He asked rhetorically.

“Do you think I was headstrong when I was getting thrashed?” He asked.

“I was weak, Narcissa. A scrawny and specky git, who was nothing more than an insignificance.” He said.

“If I can’t help myself and save myself from getting abused, I really don’t know how brave I am, Narcissa.” Narcissa was very quick to protest.

“You are a fool, Harry.” She deadpanned. At his confusion, she sighed.

“You were a little boy, Harry. You were the prince of our family. That was how you would have grown up if you had us.” She said.

“If that bitch had the decency and compassion to treat a kid right, family moreover, this would have not happened.” She said.

“You could not protect yourself, Harry. But you turned out this way. Many would have turned out in ways that one can never imagine if they faced the same things as you. Yet, here you are. The kindest, strongest and sweetest man I have ever known. My Harry.” She stroked his cheek lovingly.

“I feel at home with you. I feel comfortable around you. I want to stay by your side for every moment of my life. I feel safe in your arms. Safer than my father or grandfather could ever keep me. I just cherish the love you pour on me. That is the Harry me and my sister and our family have been seeing for the past couple of years. It is that Harry who is important to us. That is the Harry that people will know forever.” She said and leaned forward and kissed him on his lips.

Harry was immediate to respond to her advances. He wanted to kiss her more than ever. He broke the kiss and stared into her blue eyes.

“I love you.” He muttered and heard a gasp from Narcissa. She clutched his midsection tightly.

“I love you too, Harry. Forever and ever.” Harry gripped her waist possessively as he placed a heated kiss on her lips.

He was lost in the comfort she provided and she was lost in the love he was reciprocating.


A knock on the door raised the sleeping couple. Harry extracted himself from Narcissa, though she was reluctant to let him go. It was probably one of the best few hours of sleep he could catch in recent times. Harry opened the door of his bedroom and came face to face with Lily.

His sleep disappeared instantly, when he saw who it was. “Lily?” Harry whispered nervously as he closed the door behind him not to wake up the sleeping girl.

She stared into his eyes. She never let her eyes fall off him. Harry began to get all the more uncomfortable as he watched the girl scrutinize him. All of a sudden, she rushed forward and hugged him tightly. Harry was taken by surprise, but he didn’t point anything out.

She began crying into his arms. Harry slowly hugged the girl back.

“Sorry. Sorry.” She mumbled. Harry shook his head. “Why?” He asked.

“For leaving you alone into that cruel woman’s hand. For not being there for you when you needed us the most.” Harry shook his head.

“You didn’t know.” Harry muttered. “You laid down your life so that I could live. You stood in front of the Dark Lord so that your one year old son would have a life.” He muttered.

“That is the greatest gift a son can ask for. The gift of life. The gift of having my life in spite of their death." Harry pointed out.

Harry left the hug. "As for you being there for me, you were with me all the way. Especially when it truly mattered. Trust me. I know." Harry assured the girl. The memory of his first Yule at Hogwarts coming to the forefront of his mind.

"I never blamed the two of you for leaving me. I could never be prouder of the fact that my parents laid down their lives so that their son could live. That makes you the most wonderful set of parents a child could ask for." He said.

"True. I had to face things that no small kid must face. But that is not because of you. No. Poor decisions by who was supposed to take care of me.” Harry muttered.

Lily smiled softly. “You are a very good human being, Harry. I am really sorry that I snapped at you the other day.” Harry shook his head.

“Think nothing of it. Go on and get some rest.” Lily was about to turn away, but she once again charged at the boy and hugged him tightly.

“I sincerely hope that any children that I might have will be half as good as you are, Harry.”

Harry was touched by those words. He hadn’t spoken about this to anybody before, but like every other kid, Harry always dreamed of being praised by his parents. This was a bit overwhelming, but her words filled him with pride. He nodded at her words and watched as the girl left.

Harry turned back and entered his room. Narcissa was still asleep and had not moved an inch from her place on the bed. Harry carefully, so as to not wake her up, laid down on the bed. He closed his eyes, his thoughts circulating on all the things that had taken place in the last couple of days. He then gradually fell into a very deep sleep.


Florella Parkinson flooed into the Potter Manor. She received a letter yesterday from James Potter, telling her that Peter is safe and is at the Potter Manor. She wanted to rush to Potter Manor as soon as possible, but she then thought otherwise. She decided to wait a few more hours.

It was then that she received the news that her father was killed along with his other associates. She scoffed at the news. Any love she held for the man that sired her, was lost when her mother passed away and she was left alone by her own father who was too engrossed in taking care of the Heir of his Family. She was ignored and left to be taken care of by the elves that served their family. Her father ignored her, deciding to pamper her baby brother. A gift to the family.

Peter was the only friend she had in all of Hogwarts. That friendship slowly and gradually turned into love. Peter worshiped the ground she walked on. He was there for her every step of the way, whenever she felt not belonging or sad in Hogwarts. She loved the way Peter cherished every moment they spent together. She was happy that she had someone in her life that would stand with her no matter what the cost.

Her life turned upside down when her father and brother decided that she would be better off betrothed to a scion of one of the allies of the Dark Lord. She felt scared. On one hand, Peter was not someone her father would ever agree on. Nor was he from a prestigious family, his parents being middle class Purebloods.

When she had cried into Peter’s shoulder regarding this issue, her brother had somehow managed to eavesdrop on their conversation. When her father had summoned her out of school to speak about an issue, she hadn’t expected him to ask Peter to help him deliver Potter or one of his friends to the Dark Lord and gain the ever important standing in the new world led by the Dark Lord.

Of course, Peter had been affronted and angry to imagine such a thing and he had stormed out of the room they were meeting in, ignoring her father’s words of retribution.

Now, Peter lost both of his parents. He was truly alone in this world right now. Florella steeled herself. She wouldn’t stop anymore. Peter deserved better. He needed her right now and she would be there for him.

She was greeted by Potter himself. The boy looked very grim. “Parkinson.” Harry greeted and received a nod in return. “Tippy will take you to his room.” Harry pointed to the elf behind her.

“Do me a favor and see to him. Do what you have to do to distract him. He is going through a very bad stretch, right now.” Florella nodded as she followed the elf. She stopped and looked back.

“Potter?” Harry raised an eyebrow. “Thank you. For being there for him.” She didn’t wait for an answer and left the hallway. She really was thankful to Potter. It was because of him that Peter was still alive. She couldn’t begin to comprehend what her condition or situation would be if Peter had not survived this.

She was led to a room by the elf and she knocked on the door after the elf left.

She didn’t hear a response. She opened the door and looked in. Peter was sitting on the bed, his face devoid of all emotions and his eyes staring into nothingness. Her heart broke when she saw the emptiness in his eyes.

She rushed inside and sat next to the boy. “Peter?” The boy turned to the voice, his face blank.

His eyes flashed in recognition. “Ella?” He croaked and tears welled up as the girl nodded.

Florella pulled Peter into her lap and allowed him to let it all out as she held him. And truly, Peter cried. He cried for everything that he had seen in the last few hours. The death of his parents. His father and mother lying in a pool of their own blood, unresponsive to his wails or calls.

He held onto the only lifeline he had currently. The girl he was resting his head on. She was all he had. She was all that was left of his perfect world.

“It will be fine, Peter.” She whispered softly as she gently massaged his head. “I am there for you. Nobody will separate us. I will always be there for you.” She whispered as she placed a small kiss on the top of his head.

“I love you Peter.” She whispered and heard as his crying stopped for a moment. His grip on the girl tightened. “I love you too, Ella.” He answered softly, but she heard it. This confirmation was more than enough for the girl as she sat with the boy, grieving the loss of his parents.


Harry paced in the Room of Requirements. He was waiting for Karkaroff and Avery to come by. He needed information and he needed it now.

He and the others had returned to Hogwarts after conducting the services of Peter's parents and Lily's father.

Harry though had been in a very snappy state. His eyes spoke volumes and people wisely stayed out of his way, not wanting to incur the wrath of the man. Like always, his abilities and temper were legendary.

Especially after the massacre in Diagon Alley.

He didn't have to wait long as Avery arrived and took a seat. Soon enough, Karkaroff had arrived as well.

"I'll be blunt." Harry started.

"I need answers. Now."

"Anything regarding Andromeda?" Avery sat up in his chair. "Yes." He said, surprising Harry. "You have information?" The boy nodded.

"I have that mudblood's name. Tonks." Harry straightened up. He was sure that he heard that name somewhere.

"Anything else?" He asked. Avery frowned in thought and shook his head. "I read this in a letter that my father had received." He muttered.

Harry hummed. He would check out that name. "Do you have anything to say?" He asked Karkaroff.

"I had something regarding the same matter." Karkaroff replied.

"This whole issue was due to Walburga Black." He said.

"The Dark Lord conspired with her and came up with a plan to separate your family. By doing so, he could eliminate the Black lord and then, he could control the family. It was their plan that led that girl to leave the household and run away with the boy."

Harry had froze in place when he learnt of this. He had known that Walburga didn't like him very much and was a very ambitious woman, but this was crossing the line, betraying her own family, conspiring to kill her Lord of the house. Rage. His magic flared menacingly as he thought about the betrayal of the woman.

He held himself. He took a deep breath.

"You better not be lying, Igor. If you are…"

The man shook his head defiantly. "No! I am telling the truth. I found it out from one of the inner circle members. His mental shields were shit."

Harry hummed. He could always confirm that information. If it was true, nothing can save Walburga from having her neck snapped.

"You two can leave." He said as he put his head in his hands. Bloody headaches.

He reinforced his occlumency shields as he took a few deep breaths. He didn't know why, but he felt himself reminiscing the day he met Death and she gave him another clue. This memory had become frequent recently. He wondered if Death was sending a message. It had been eating him up for a while now.

"It's hidden in plain sight, where everything is hidden…." Why did that ring a bell in his mind? What was he missing?

"Plain sight….." He muttered as his brain was now functioning at top gear. He opened his eyes as he took a look around this room before freezing.

"It can't be….is it?" He muttered as he stood up. He closed his eyes and thought hard.

"I want a room of hidden things…I want to find a room that has hidden things…."

The Room of Requirements shifted accordingly and Harry found himself standing in a dimly lit room. He looked around in wonder. This room was massive. Huge. And the things inside. Armor, Magical Tomes, Brooms, Wands…..and in the center, a mannequin and Harry gasped softly.

There on the mannequin, rested the Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw. It was under his nose….all this time and he didn't even know about it.

He carefully retrieved the diadem and placed it on the ground. The whisperings began. Harry paid no mind to it. He was now more than powerful enough to ignore a compulsion.

“Big mistake Tom, you arrogant arsehole.” He muttered. He swiped his wand and leveled it on the diadem. “Avada Kedavra.” A familiar green light hit the artifact and sure enough, a black smoky substance oozed out of the diadem and Harry watched disgusted as the soul shard of Tom was destroyed.

“Four down.” He muttered as he picked it up and pocketed the damn thing. “Flitwick would have a fit if he could see the state of a prized artifact belonging to the founder of his beloved House.

He took a step forward and a wave of dizziness hit him. Harry stumbled in front of the chair and then collapsed forward. He struggled to fight for his consciousness and eventually blackness covered his vision.


Harry opened his eyes and sure enough, just as he predicted, he was in front of the Elder Tree.

“Guess, Lady Death didn’t want to wait much.” He heard a chuckle from behind him.

Harry sighed. “Lady Death.” The immortal entity stepped beside him.

“You completed the task I had assigned.” She smiled at him. “Very good, Harry.”

Harry nodded. “I want to end this as soon as possible. I want to live my life, without thinking about that bastard.” He said.

“That day isn’t very far off, Harry. And knowing what you are capable of, you can do it very quickly.” She assured the boy.

“The reason why I brought you here is because of a promise that I had given to you.”

She raised her hand and held something invisible in her hand and suddenly slammed it into Harry’s chest. Harry felt unbearable pain overtake every nerve in his body.

He fell on his knees as he clutched his chest. And suddenly, he felt a presence in his head. He tried to reinforce his mental shields, but it was for nothing. A thestral. He felt the presence of a thestral.

He felt himself getting his vision back after a while. He could see Death waiting for him. He got up and stretched his arms. He doubled over in pain once more before it disappeared all of a sudden.

“There you go.” Death exclaimed happily. “You are almost ready. And from what I know, you will be completely ready soon.” She said. “Goodbye, Harry.” And Harry lost his vision once more.


Harry woke up and noticed that he was still in the Room of Requirement. He stood up shakily. He still felt a bit sore, but it was nothing to be concerned about.

He really didn’t understand what Death did, but something was amiss. He felt a new burden, but couldn’t place it. He shrugged and exited the room, dusting his clothes.

He ran into the Headmaster on his way back to the common room.

Blue stared into green as the two men faced off. “We need to have a word.” Dumbledore spoke, leaving no room for argument.

Harry was tired of all of this that was going on and when Dumbledore demanded something from him, he hit his peak.

“Excuse me.” Harry growled. “I don’t think you are in a position to demand something of me, Headmaster. I would urge you to watch your tone with me.” Harry whispered.

“Is this anything related to school?” There was silence accompanying his question and that was all the answer he needed.

“I didn’t think so. Good day, Headmaster.” Harry walked away.

Dumbledore sagged. “Please, Mister Potter. I need to speak to you.” Harry turned back to the aged old man. Despite his machinations, he couldn’t hate the man entirely. He respected the man and his accomplishments. He could see that the man looked well over a century for the first time in many days.

Harry sighed softly. He didn’t know where this would go, but he would give the man a benefit of doubt.” Fine.” He replied and Dumbledore straightened considerably as he led the boy back to his Office.

Harry sat down in front of the old man. “Yes?” He questioned.

“That spell, Mr Potter? The ‘Protego Diabolica.’ Where did you learn that?” He questioned. Harry glared at the man. He was about to retort when Dumbledore held up his hand.

“I am not prying, Mr Potter. It was a curious question. This spell was used by Gellert Grindelwald many years back and he was probably the only person that could have pulled that spell off.” He whispered. Harry knew that information. His father had informed this when he had first shown that spell to the man. This spell was a natural one. One that came very easily to him.

He still didn’t understand what or how he cast that spell. He put it up to something that Death did during his magical maturity.

“I have a lot of old books that I have procured, Headmaster. I learnt that spell from there.” Harry shrugged.

“I know that I can never stray from a path if you decide on one, but be careful with such spells, Mr Potter. They are something that will eat up a man from the inside and might twist your very soul if you are not capable of handling them.” Dumbledore’s voice was solemn and tired and Harry couldn’t help but agree with the man. That was one thing that he had learnt as quickly as possible. He was not hesitant to use any kind of spell, but he would never let himself get lost while using them.

“That is one thing that I would never disagree with.” Harry answered as he tapped his fingers on the armrest.

“Have I done something to offend you, Mr Potter? You are extremely hostile towards me.” Harry shook his head.

“Your ideologies don’t agree with mine.” Harry muttered. “Nonviolence is a good idea. One that would do a lot of good to the world, but what about the people who have crossed the line, Headmaster? What do we do with them? You could have been a bit more strict towards the Slytherins to begin with. My Narcissa would have suffered something that not any woman in this world should have, if I was any more late. Tell me Headmaster, do you still think Lucius Malfoy is redeemable after that?” The Headmaster had no answer to that question.

“That is the reason that I avoid you, Headmaster. Your intentions, however noble it may be, do not agree with mine. Sorry if that is offensive.” Harry shrugged.

“Other than that, I have no qualms with you, Headmaster. You are a good man.” Harry stood up.

Dumbledore seemed to be deep in thought as he turned towards the door.

Harry suddenly turned back, as he remembered something. “Do you know a Tonks? Someone who may have passed out in the previous batch or dropped out in this batch?” Harry asked.

Dumbledore nodded immediately. “Yes. Young Theodore Tonks. A Hufflepuff pass out and was Prefect too. He was a very gifted student.” Harry was positively happy.

“Can I get an address?” Harry questioned, but his smile dimmed when Dumbledore shook his head. “I am sorry my boy, but I don’t think we have an address for the young man and since he is of age, it is difficult to track him.” Harry nodded, but he was happy that he was getting somewhere.

“Thank you, Headmaster. You did a huge favor to me. I’ll see you around.” He quickly left the room and raced back to his dorm.

He would get Andromeda back if that was the last thing he did.



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