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Chapter 2-

Chapter 2- Time does go back sometimes go back sometimes

Harry shot up with a jerk feeling slightly woozy. He looked around and  it was dark.

'Night' he thought, sparing a moment to look out the window. As he murkily recalled the previous day his head started to  swim and he felt overwhelmed, and a wave of  headache hit him.

He felt his stomach lurch and he made a b-line for the toilet.

Urk… urk UUURRKKK….  UUURRKKK He could taste the last thing he ate for the second time.

“Damn it.” Harry thought, no toothbrush… no mouthwash…

He pointed his finger at his mouth.

'Scourgify.'  he thought and grimaced as the cleaning spell hit his mouth.

" Yep." He said as he rinsed his mouth with water again. " I will never do that again." He grumbled.

It was then that he looked around.

'Where the hell am I?'  he thought for himself. He would have gone ahead and looked around, but he felt extremely drowsy and tired.

He thought about all that had happened... as he made his way back to bed, Harry’s body felt heavy and without any prompting, he fell asleep.


Harry woke up the next morning willing his body to move as he stretched chasing away the heavy feeling he felt.

He cast a wandless tempest charm.

'9:23 A.M , 25 May 1975', it displayed.

“Gods it wasn’t a dream!!!!” he exclaimed aloud, shaking out the cobwebs.

His thoughts went back to the previous day’s events. He looked around and was almost able to shake it off as a weird dream but then he noticed that he wasn’t wearing his glasses.

He could see clearly. He looked at his body and felt the change from yesterday.

His mind flitted back to the job he had to do.

Another thought hit his head. His family was alive. Without an invitation, a smile made its way to his face.

He got up to freshen himself. He had a few plans to make. As he stood under the shower, his thoughts returned to the conversation he had yesterday.

" I need to find the hallows. Find the horcruxes. And I don't even know where to start." He grumbled. As always, he had been given little information. But this time, he would not complain. At least Death had been outright honest with him.

He walked out of the shower and looked into the closet. They were empty. It was then that Harry had a flash. This was a new place. He walked out of his room after transfiguring the blanket into something temporary.

He was greeted with a grand staircase and spacious chambers. It was grand. That is what it can be called.

Suddenly, an elf popped in.

" Master Potter sir." The little guy bowed. Harry smiled. This elf reminded him of Dobby. Excited on his feet.

" Hello...?" He said with a gentle smile.

" I be Matty, sir. I be your house elf." He said with a bounce on his feet.

" Where am I, Matty?" He asked his elf.

" Yous be in Peverell Manor, Master Potter sir." The elf said. 

" Why don't you show me around, Matty?" He asked the elf and the elf nodded,  excited to help his new master.

Harry had never seen anything this grand and big. Yes, he had seen Hogwarts, but this was something else. It was a palace of sorts. Huge bedrooms, two dining halls, two ballrooms, three libraries. The books there, ancient and extremely rare.

 ' That will come in handy.' he had thought.

The manor was placed on huge lands which consisted of huge forest areas behind. There seems to be a ground of sorts. Training grounds. A huge lake. And there were stables. Huge stables.

" There be lots of horses and thestrals there, Harry sir." The elf explained. " The forest be having many creatures." He explained.

Harry investigated the stables. Matty was right. There were a lot of horses and thestrals. He would explore it another time.

" Keep them well fed and well cared for , Matty." He had instructed.

" Matty, can you go to Diagon Alley and get me some clothes?" He asked his elf.

" Yes sir. I be needing measure." He squeaked.

He disappeared with a pop after Harry gave him his measurements. He sat at the dining table and silently devoured the tasty breakfast that Matty had fixed for him.

He retired to the library. He had a lot of work to do.


For the past six months, Harry had been extremely busy. Training day and night without any break. Bettering himself at every turn possible.

His training style had changed. Lots and lots of exercises. High intensity workouts combined with his magical training. The time turner came in extremely handy. It was because of it that Harry had improved leaps and bounds.

Harry had made very good use of the library. Scouring books after books in search of the hallows. In search of the horcruxes. Learning magics that were lost to his generation. Never had Harry had such a drive to excel.

To Succeed.

He never shied from going wrong. He never feared failure. He never feared mistakes. He learnt from them.

Having a good house elf has never been better. Matty had been a huge help. He would sit in the training sessions with Harry and fire different spells just like in a real fight. He would animate different things to attack Harry. One thing became clear to Harry. A house elf in his own surroundings was more dangerous than anything he had come across.

The last time he had fought Voldemort, he had held him to a standstill. Now, he could overpower him. With some more practice and knowledge, he would beat him. Of that he had no doubts. He needed hands-on experience.

He had to find a way to find that x factor. It was then that he got a plan. He called for his companion. One that had brought much needed joy and happiness. A reminiscence of his old life.


‘Hedwig' is the only companion he missed from his past life. He smiled thinking about his friend. She was very faithful to him and probably the only one to care for him and support him without expectations.

“Hedwig,” he sighed. There were tears in the corner of his eyes as he remembered his owl. " I cannot put into words how much I missed you, Hedwig." He said sadly and let a few tears fall in remembrance of his friend. His first and only faithful friend.

A bright trill sounded, and Harry frowned.

He looked to the ceiling of the library and a ball of flames burst through and a bird materialized.

Harry knew these creatures. One had saved his life after all.

" A Phoenix?" He was confused. But this was not like Fawkes. This was pure white. A similar white that he remembered so well. The phoenix flew closer to him, and Harry looked into his eyes for the first time.

His eyes widened in shock. He knew those eyes. The very same yellow. The exact same.

" H... Hedwig?" He croaked tentatively with just a hint of a hesitant undertone to his voice. The phoenix trilled an agreement. Harry couldn't stem his tears anymore as he cuddled his friend to his chest.

" I missed you, girl…. I missed you so much." He said as the phoenix bobbed her head and let out a trill which felt suspiciously like ' I missed you too.'

She held a small parchment in her talons. Harry freed her burden and slowly opened the parchment.


I wanted to give you a parting present. You impressed me, Harry. Frankly, I never expected you to go back and fight a fight that should never have been yours in the first place. It takes courage to fight battles Harry, but it takes a lot of heart to fight in battles that were not yours at all.

I know how much you loved Hedwig in your life. I know how much you wanted her. Not your wand. Not your cloak. Not your map, but your owl. So, I have decided to let you have her back. But with an upgrade. She will be a lot of help to you Harry. Take care of her. It isn't every day that death gives back a life you know?

I know you will succeed Harry. You are special. All I can tell you is this.

Not everything you know to be fact will unfold as it did in the original timeline. When you drop a stone in a pool of water it creates ripples.

Remember that!

So, you going back will change some events and eliminate others due to certain impacts of your actions that you will most certainly take. Be careful who you tell the truth to, Harry. Truth, although a brilliant thing, is most dangerous in the  wrong hands.

Good luck. You will see me soon enough when the time is right.

Harry turned back to his friend who was watching him curiously. He held out his hand. The phoenix jumped onto his hand happily.

She trilled again and rubbed her cheek against his. " I love you too, girl." He whispered.

Flashback ends--

Hedwig let out a trill and flashed in and perched on her stand next to his table.

She cocked her head curiously.

" Were you troubling poor Nora again?" He asked. Hedwig squawked and looked affronted.

" Uh-huh. Don't give me that Hedwig. I know you trouble the poor creature every day." He chastised.

Nora was a newly born thestral. She had been conceived by Harry's favorite thestral, Ella. Harry had been to visit the vast stables behind his manor.

There were a lot of fine breeds of horses.

Most old families boasted of having horse stables.

But what caught his attention was the thestrals. His family sigil. Or rather, the Peverell family sigil. His attention was caught by an older and wiser looking thestral.

It approached him and stared at him. Harry didn't back down. He let the animal judge him. The thestral snorted and bumped her head to his chest. Harry chuckled at the show of affection.

" Guess I meet your requirements?" He asked. The thestral snorted again. Her entire herd surrounded him. That was Ella, the queen of his herd of thestrals.

He didn't know why, but he had an excellent relationship with animals. Every time he interacted with them, they would like to speak with him and trust him.

Well, animals were excellent judges of characters. This factor alone was a matter of pride to Harry.

" Well, I have come up with a plan, Hedwig. I don't know if he is going to agree, but I certainly hope he will. It would really help me." He said as he tied a small letter to Hedwig's claw.

" You know who to find. Go on." He said and the phoenix flashed away.

" Yes or no. Either way, I will go on." He said as he moved back to his training room.


Hedwig flashed into the chambers of this person. The man jumped a bit from his work. " What does that stupid old coot want now?" He grumbled.  He froze when he saw a different phoenix.

His wand slid into his hand within a millisecond." Who are you?" He asked the phoenix. " You are not Dumbledore's phoenix, are you?" He asked.

The phoenix shook its head quickly. She then held her claw out.

The man noticed a letter on her talon.

" Who is this from?" He asked no one as he retrieved the letter. He ran his wand on it, searching for any harmful spells on it. His position in magical Britain, making him a huge target for the wrong reasons.

He slowly opened the letter and read through it. His eyes widen and almost drops the letter when he notices the sigil on the letter.

" Impossible." He whispered. " How ?" He asked himself. " How can this be possible?" He asked himself again.

He started reading the content of the letters. His eyes rose in surprise and also curiosity. " Interesting." He muttered.

He had to see what he could do. This was interesting. Very interesting.

" Can you take a letter, uhm Hedwig, is it?" He asked the beautiful creature sitting next to him.

The phoenix bobbed its head, trilling an agreement. " Give me a minute."

Things seemed extremely interesting to him, and his curiosity got the better of him.

" I hope this is as exciting as it seems to be." He said as he watched the phoenix disappear from his sight.


He had adjusted the wards so that this new person could gain an entry. In the meantime, he had conducted a small background study of his own. The interesting part was this person who claims to be who he is never seemed to exist at all. It was like he had appeared out of thin air. He had checked the records that were available and still couldn't find anything.

A flash was seen again, and the phoenix returned with a person along with her.

The two men stared at each other before the younger of the two stepped forward and offered his hand.

The older man didn't respond for some time but finally relented and shook the offered hand.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Croaker." Harry greeted. The man nodded. " I could have said the same, but I don't know whether this is an elaborate prank that is being played on me. Anyway, I have trusted your words. Please don't make me regret it." He said.

" I won't." Harry replied. He then drew a vial out of his cloak. " This will give you all the answers you require." He said.

The man nodded. He poured the contents of the vial into a pensive and dived in without a word.

It was an hour later that a very shaken Saul Croaker emerged from the pensive.

He looked suitably subdued.

He silently walked to the liquor cabinet that was a foot away from Harry and sat down with a bottle.

" This has gone down to the drains. How was he left unchecked? How did he grow so powerful?" He whispered.

Harry didn't answer. " I can do this. But I lack hands-on experience. I could have made arrangements myself but I don't know who to approach. Even my family, I will need some time to get things in order." Harry explained.

The man nodded. He could understand. He had seen a hell lot of things in his life and even he felt all this overwhelming. He couldn't even begin to imagine what the youngster might be going through.

" I might be able to help you. But for that, I want you to take on the job of a Spook." He said. The boy gaped at him.

" You are joking." He said. He had heard that it's an extremely difficult and dangerous profession.

" No. I can have you registered, and you will be given a license. You will be directly working and learning under me." He said.

" I can procure a hit wizard license for you, and I can make sure that you are trained with the best. But that is all I can do." He said.

" Isn't that probably the toughest form of employment to get? I know that the Spooks are extremely well paid, and their jobs are highly dangerous." Harry pointed out.

Croaker chuckled. " Come now Potter. After witnessing what you did with the man, I would have been pestering you for your signature if you were here at all. That was brilliant. I doubt that I could do much." He said.

Harry nodded. " We have a deal, Potter." He said. " Make no mistake son, I will help you as much as possible. If that is what happens if the fight gets prolonged too much, I think that we must stay alert." He pointed out.

" Call me Saul, Harry." He said and took out his wand.

" And your training starts now." He said as a cruciatus  sailed towards Harry.

Harry grinned as he deftly intercepted the curse. "Shame on you, Saul. Attacking kids these days." Harry grinned as the man chuckled again. " You will be eating those words after I am done with you." He said as he dodged two spells sailing at him.


" Damn it Blaze. Couldn't you at least pretend to fight back?" Hydra groaned. It had been six month since Harry had joined the Spooks and was directly appointed under Croaker. Every day, he would be trained by Croaker in a few lost forms of magic that probably were protected by the department.

He was put into training by Saul's most trusted and his most lethal. Hydra, Leo, Dragon, Thunder and Libra. The five along with Saul had taken upon themselves to train Harry. And frankly, he was not complaining. These guys were powerful. Very powerful. Understandable, considering the kind of training and knowledge they have.

But Harry surprised them. New recruits shouldn't have caught the attention of Saul according to them. If he did, then there is something off about them.

That was evident when the newbie trained with them for the first time. They now understood why Saul was so smug about this this recruit.

(He was Dangerous) Not foolhardy, but he didn’t waste any movement, and as good natured as he was in magical combat he was ruthless.

Harry had been given the name Blaze, by Saul. Accounting for his scar but he wasn't going to say no.

And these past six months have been the best in his life.

These guys knew how much to push him. And accordingly, he was pushed to his limits. He enjoyed the intensity. They never held back. They didn't want to hold back. And after their first session, they never thought about wanting to hold back.

Saul still remembered the first time after the training session with Harry.


" Damn it, Saul. Are you freaking kidding me?" Thunder growled. Saul laughed at those words. " No. Seriously?" Leo asked.

" That man is a freaking beast. What more do you want me to teach him?" He asked.

Hydra, Dragon and Haze nodded along.

“Finesse…” was the old thing the man said, “And if their is time, patience."

Looking at his compatriots Saul said, “It’s The Slow Blade That Cuts The Deepest.”

" I knew that he is not someone easy. But I want you to train with him as much as possible." He said. " He will make a huge difference in the phases that are yet to come. Sure, he doesn't need our help.

He can probably destroy that fucking old goat right now, but he still seeks the edge that is required.

He is not experienced enough with facing men. That is where we count. Added with the benefit of a great addition to our ranks as well." He replied.

" Frankly speaking, it scares me at what he can do. What he did today was a candle to what he can really do. But he is a good man. As good as they come.

I can rest easily everyday thinking that I helped a wonderful wizard to become better." He explained.

The other five nodded. Harry was then summoned to their table.

" Where did you learn to dodge so quickly?" Asked Hydra with curiosity.

Yes, he had seen many dodging spells , but this one was different. He literally dodges these spells at the last moment possible and still escapes. It seems that it is almost hitting him, but he just leans or turns away from the spells with a hair's breadth to spare.

Harry grinned." When you have a good House elf, and in his bastion, you learn a lot of things that seem impossible." He chuckled.

" Your house elf?" Asked Croaker, curiosity evident in his eyes.

" Yes. He would just stand in the corner of the room and animate God knows what objects to just charge at me. " He said.

" It might be a quaffle, a bludger, a book, a quill, a snitch or sometimes, a knife, a niffler or even itself." He grumbled.

" The damn little bastard would grin smugly all the while. He is still following my orders and he is doing it well; he says if questioned." He said, eliciting a bout of laughter.

" That's ingenious." Thunder laughed.

" Yes." Harry nodded. " House elves are wonderful creatures. They have their own magic and sometimes, even I am in awe of what they can do. It's a good thing that they are loyal to us. Trustworthy little beings. It's a shame these bunch of stuck-up bigots mistreat them." He said sadly.

The group was silent for some time. It was Saul that spoke again.

" We have decided that we will be sending you on your first assignment along with the five of them." He said pointing to his comrades.

" It's a dangerous and difficult assignment, Blaze. One that is being maintained as a top secret till we strike." He explained somberly.

" You are killing the Butcher of France. Antoine Malfoy." He explained.

" Any relations to Abraxus and Lucius Malfoy?" He questioned.

" Yes. The Malfoy lord's younger brother." Saul answered.

"He is big in France. Very powerful. He throws around money like it's nothing and has his nose in everyone's business. He has support. Support from a lot of purebloods in France. But they fear him for a reason.

He is a true butcher. He butchers muggles and muggle-born’s and displays them on the places of public view so that the people constantly fear him.

His specialty is his ruthless dueling abilities. He shows no mercy. He is powerful. Very much so.

Recently, he has been recruiting heavily. For reasons I really don't know, we have decided to do something about this. His recruitment procedure takes place in Bordeaux. Here, he has twenty men, absolute brutes who test these men before getting them on board. These men are specialized in dark arts. " Saul explained.

" So, he is recruiting them for his purpose." Harry replied grimly. Saul nodded.

Harry sat in silence for ten minutes. He nodded finally.

" I have a plan. Let's go." He said and got up.

"I can't send all of them, Blaze. They are involved in important research. I can send Libra and Hydra with you.

The two Spooks stood up. Harry nodded.

" More than enough." He smiled.

" I want you to wait for me in Bordeaux. I'll be back soon." He said and popped out from the Ministry.

Saul remembered how his two friends had come back, white as sheet and their eyes showed disbelief.

Saul had been worried. Has something happened to Harry?  He had thought.

Libra handed over a small vial and disappeared with Hydra following him.

Saul frowned. Just what did happen? He emptied the vial into the pensive and dived in.


Harry arrived at the desired destination and immediately saw the two people who would accompany him.

" Okay, what's the plan?" He asked.

" Didn't you say that you have a plan?" Hydra snorted. Harry hummed.

" I do, but it is only polite to ask, isn't it?" Harry questioned.

" It's fine. Now, go ahead with this plan of yours. What are we doing?" He asked.

Harry observed the base from his position.

" We plan and execute a false ambush." He said.

" Saul tells me that you two are extremely good with wards and runes." The two men nodded.

" I want you to raise false wards over the wards that are already present. Make sure that the wards are overloaded so that the older ones break, but I want you to just fake the wards that you plan to put." He explained.

" Inside, they will be difficult to fight, but outside, they will fall into the traps. Traps that you lay with those runes. I want you to give me a time frame of fifteen minutes before I put my plan into action inside. " He explained.

" How many are in there?" Harry asked.

" Around seventy of them. The remaining two hundred have been sent back to Britain." Hydra explained.

" Ok. That gives us an advantage. I will make sure that his inner circle is left inside." He explained.

" You plan to take on those men all by yourself? Are you crazy, Blaze!?" Libra snorted incredulously.

" Nah. I am completely mental." He said and disappeared leaving two completely bewildered men.

The two waited for ten minutes before they nodded at each other. Libra raised his wand into the air before muttering in Latin waving his wand along the way.

He turned back to Hydra to see how he was faring. The man had placed a few runes on the entrance across the base. After the given time period went off, Libra raised his wards.

A ring was heard inside, and a commotion was heard. The door of the bases opened and people in dark blue robes tumbled out of the place. They were clutching their throats and coughing violently.

Hydra frowned in confusion. What happened inside? He slowly peered inside and that was how he saw Harry standing in the center twirling his wand and there were twenty of them surrounding him.

" You have made a grave mistake by coming here." Antoine Malfoy spoke calmly.

Harry shrugged. " Maybe."

" Do you know who you are speaking to?" He drawled.

" The Butcher of France, they say. What do you butch? Goat heads?" Harry asked casually.

The man looked affronted at his words.

" You don't seem like you fear me. That's not good, you know." He said his wand flicked to his hand.

" Fear is a huge negative to man. Decided to take that away from me when I was wearing diapers." He chuckled.

" I stand here and within your fort, without any support for myself and I am mocking you in front of your men. What does it say to you about me?" Harry asked eying the man.

" That you are a fool." Antoine said. His lackeys started laughing at that. The man himself had a glint in his eyes.

" That may be it." He nodded. " But I might have a better answer. I might be more dangerous than you can imagine." He said softly and suddenly the temperature around the area dropped rapidly.

His eyes started to glow eerily.

" It's so disgusting that all Malfoy's look the same. It's like you fuck your own sisters or mothers." He drawled lazily.

That did it. The wild Malfoy unleashed a barrage of spells that Harry danced through.

" Is that all?" Harry taunted him. The man was further enraged and he started throwing utter dark spells. If it was anyone else, they would have succumbed to the pressure. Not him.

" Shit! What is he made of?" Libra whispered to Hydra. They knew he was good, but Blaze was something else.

" It's over, Malfoy. It's my turn now." An elaborated Z from his wand sent a dark black flame. The flame was the size of a small fireball.

Malfoy smirked." Is that all you got?" He taunted. He raised a shield around him. An atlas shield.

Everyone watched as the flame slammed against the shield.

To the sheer shock of the viewers, the black flame increased in size and ate the shield slowly. It then completely overtook the shield and Malfoy suddenly dropped his wand and screamed to the high skies. He started to claw his face and eyes and tried to bite his own tongue. The flame collided against his body and his body started to blacken considerably before it started to rot.

His body started to rot very slowly but steadily increasing his pain to levels that he never saw.

Harry took the distraction to unleash his barrage. He started swinging spells left and right, cutting down his men instantly. Within half an hour, The Butcher of France had lost his entire circle of men and he himself was writhing in pain.

Harry surveyed the scene and walked up to the fallen man. " Poetic justice. You sent many of them, tortured like this. The least I can do is make sure that you suffer. Ahh, how wonderful suffering is. You play with innocents; I play with bastards like you." He said as he casually walked around him.

The man continued to scream. " Ahh stop it.  It becomes irritating after some point." He said, silencing the man with a wave of his wand.

His eyes fell upon a butcher's knife that lay next to the man. He picked it up.

" You keep a real butcher's knife. I need a souvenir." He said, picking up the knife.

He started to shake in anger. This man was beyond what he could comprehend.

" I might have killed you immediately, but no. I will let you be like this. I will hang you out on the streets of Paris. I will make sure everybody sees you. You will die. Extremely painful and gruesome. Nobody can stop it. Nobody can counter it. You will suffer every day for all your atrocities. You will wish that you weren't born. You will wish that you didn't have the name, Malfoy. " Harry said and with a wave of his wand, he disappeared from view.

The two hidden Unspeakables were feeling overwhelmed. This was not what they were expecting. Libra proceeded to empty the contents they had eaten.

" Oh Merlin." Libra whispered. " Thank Merlin he is on our side." He whispered again.


Saul returned from the memory, losing all the color from his face.

This was something else. Just how good was the boy?

He couldn't even begin to think about what would happen to the Dark Lord.

The next morning, he choked on his coffee as he read the headlines.




Below, in the content, he could see Harry standing in front of the man, staring at him.

Apparently, many had tried to remove the fatal curse that he has suffered and have been unsuccessful. It seems to be futile, but he is losing it every second.

The curse has been tried to remove by some of the best curse breakers, but there was no clue to what happened.

Furthermore, they had summoned a number of mind magic specialists to try and find the identity of the person responsible for this, but it wasn't supposed to be.


Harry knocked on the door that Saul occupied. " Come in." He heard a voice.

" You asked for me, Saul?" Harry asked as he sat down opposite the man. The man scrutinized Harry and smiled.

" Your time is coming to an end here, Harry." He replied. Harry nodded.

" Can I not persuade you into continuing here, Harry?" He asked.

Harry shook his head. " I have other things to do, Saul. You know it. I have a lot of tasks to complete." Harry explained softly.

" Very well. You will be keeping that badge, Harry. You are allowed in here for the rest of your life. Any doubts you have and any questions that need our attention, I only ask you to reach out." He said.

" I have got your hit wizard license renewed to permanent. You will be exempt from trails of any person you kill as long as the person is causing danger to the Wizarding World. Know that you will always be welcome with us Blaze. I will come back to you after you get your NEWTs." He promised.

" You have been a massive help here, Harry. I am glad to have been of assistance to you. Don't forget to call us when you need to. We will be there." He said.

Harry nodded and stood up. " Thank you for everything, Saul. It's been a pleasure." He said as he shook his hand.

" And Harry, I have a small present for you. Here." He placed an old book in front of him.

Harry smiled as he saw the title of the book.

Guide To Ancient Wizarding Families

Harry had been looking for this book for a long time. He had even written to his account manager to get this book at any cost. He had come up short till date.

" There was one present in the archives in the department. I knew that you wanted one. So, I have brought you one." He smiled.

" Thank you, Saul. I will never forget your help." He replied.

" I'll see you around, Saul. Thanks again. For everything." Harry nodded and disappeared from the department.


Harry walked down the deserted road of Little Hangleton towards his destination.

His memory of this place was not pleasant.

The last time he was here, he was tied to a dead man's tomb and used as a piece for a restoration ritual.

His vision found the very same graveyard that he had been in. He shuddered in his memory. He had come a long way from the old Harry that had faced Tom here, but he still didn't know where he stood. He could fight the bastard to a standstill, but he needed to know how much he still needed to do to finish him off.

He closed his eyes and felt for any residual magic that was saturated in the nearby area. He felt the familiar presence of Tom nearby. He slowly made his way down the dirty path.

He arrived at a rundown shack like structure from where the magic was wafting off.

" So, this is the Gaunt shack?" He mumbled as he slowly walked up to the structure.

Harry had found out the connection between the Gaunts and the Slytherin families. The Slytherin line was very distantly related to the Peverell line as well. The descendant of Cadmus Peverell the owner of the Resurrection stone.

He had taken a month more to find out any information about the Gaunt household.

He traced Tom back to the Gaunt family. He is the grandson of Marvolo Gaunt.

Their history had never been anything positive. Bigoted, inbred idiots. They copulated within the family so that their sacred tongue stayed within the family.

Now he knew why Tom was very powerful. Mixing and refreshing of the bloodline had made him very powerful. Probably him being a half-blood was what made him so powerful.

He intently studied for any wards across the shack. There wasn't any. He cautiously walked forward and was about to approach the shack when he heard a heavy hissing.

It was pure instincts that saved him. A giant black Mamba struck the spot he stood in. Three more huge snakes joined the Black Mamba. They were about to strike him down when he used the Parseltongue.

" Stoppp."  He hissed. The snakes stopped suddenly. They bowed at him and slithered away.

Harry snorted. " Arrogant idiot."

He pushed what was left of the door that almost tumbled from its hinges. He slowly walked in. The house was extremely stinky. He almost felt nauseous.

He slowly made his way inside, following the magical signature that he was familiar with. He slid his wand into his hand.

His wand. This wand was all the better than his previous holly Phoenix core wand.

The wand was jet black in color. But this contained the feather of his phoenix, Hedwig and Ella's tail hair. The wand was very much special to him. This was not tainted by the stupid No -nose -morts soul piece. The wand hummed music in his ear everytime he used it. It was so in tune with his magic that anytime there was any kind of danger the wand by itself would spring into his hand.

The very same hum was heard as he neared what seemed like a sitting room. His wand was a flurry as he waved it in intricate patterns and dismantled a few wards. Few very deadly wards. If anyone by chance stumbles here, they would be obliterated.

He heard a faint whispering in his ears. It was soft and compelling. It was trying to soothe him and draw him into a bait. He shrugged the feeling off. This seemed almost like Ginny's case. The diary had encouraged and supported her to compel her to write her heart and soul in that diary.

That was another thing that he had almost confirmed. The diary. It's behavior was similar to a horcrux. Compelling and soothing and controlling. It took two whole months to learn any and every effect of a horcrux. The diary was one thing that he had confirmed.

He sincerely hoped that his trip to this disgusting place wasn't wasted, and it wasn't. He found the ring placed in the wall and extremely well hidden. The Gaunt family ring.

He found an enthrall expelling curse woven into the box. If he had not been cautious, he would be choking on his organs and blood by now.

He finally held the ring in his hand as he stared at it. The feeling was back. It was compelling him to wear it. To put it on. Although it was just a compelling charm, he found it hard to ignore. He doubted that even Tom himself could have ignored it. There was something more compelling.

He threw the ring on the ground. " Avada Kedavra." He spoke and the ring was hit with a bright green beam. An ear-splitting scream was heard as a black soul emerged from the ring and blasted into nothingness.

Harry heaved a sigh of relief. " One down." He took the ring from the floor and was about to pocket it when another voice was heard. But this time, it was a faint whisper. This was not dangerous. At Least not for him. He squinted his eyes as he took in the charred ring closely.

The whispering grew closer.

" Take me, Harry. Put me to use."  It whispered. "You need me, Harry. Take me." It continued.

Harry observed a dark stone sitting in the ring. He slowly extracted the ring and his eyes bulged as he witnessed the mark.

A triangle enclosed within a circle and a long straight line passing through the center of the circle. The symbol of the deathly hallows.

His fingers shook as he picked up the stone. The stone vibrated in his hand as it recognized its owner. The Peverell blood.

He tightened his fist which contained the stone and his vision went black.


When Harry came to, he found himself in a familiar place that he had visited the year before. Death's liar.

His eyes fell upon the Lady Death that was smiling down at him.

" Hello Harry. It seems that you have found one of my enchanted items." She said her eyes falling on his hand that held the stone.

" Good work. You have certainly been very busy." She replied.

" You are wondering why I brought you here?" She asked, noticing his confusion. Harry nodded.

" I simply wanted to give advice." She replied.

" I hope you retrieved the ring from your vault, Harry?" She asked.

Harry willed the Lord Peverell ring to appear. The ring materialized in his left hand.

Harry had surprised the goblins by his appearance. The surprise had only increased with the information about the Peverell rise. They had literally bent over their backs to help him. It was understandable. He was one of the oldest clients of Gringotts.

His vault was big. The riches, sufficient for several generations to come. His eyes were only on the Lord Ring and The Family Grimoire. The Lord Ring had a central piece missing. Harry had understood what had been missing from the ring.

" Place the stone on the ring, Harry." Death instructed. Harry did as he had asked.

The ring vibrated for a few seconds before a new wave of magic enclosed him.

His vision blurred and a cold wave of magic rushed through his blood.

" Finally…." He heard a voice and his vision returned.

" Did you feel something?" He nodded.

" Well, you will reap the benefits of it in the future and you will slowly learn how it works." She said.

She motioned him to sit down at a chair nearby. " You have done well, Harry." She praised. " I do have a few questions. Can you give me some answers?" Harry nodded. She would know them anyhow. Why delay answers?

" What made you choose Saul Croaker?" She asked curiously.

" Well, out of everyone I could have approached, he is the one who works with such things and might not dismiss my idea as some elaborate prank. " He explained.

" Fair enough." She shrugged.

" Why didn't you continue?" She asked.

" I want to go to Hogwarts. I have a few years of my school life left. Frankly, I miss Hogwarts. A lot." He answered.

" That is the sincerest choice you have made." She replied. " It doesn't do well to dwell in the past and forget to live in the present, Harry. I want you to live a life. A happy life." She replied sincerely.

" Will you meet your family?" She asked.

Harry nodded without hesitation.

" I lost a lot to that fucker. This time, I won't. I will save my family if it's the last thing I do. " He answered.

" What about your future?" She asked.

" Finish him. Save as many as possible." He answered.

Death shook her head. " I meant your future life, Harry. After you finish him." She continued.

Harry frowned thoughtfully. Yes, Croaker had given him a job already. But what other than that?

" I guess, I will have to wait and see." He answered.

She then stood up from her seat.

" Remember Harry. Your presence alone has changed a lot from what happened before. And certain actions of yours will have an impact. Whether good or bad, I don't know. But I urge you to keep an open mind." She spoke with a smile.

" Oh, another thing before I forget." She stopped and turned back. " You have destroyed one, haven't you?" He hummed an agreement.

" I can give you a hint. Remember what your headmaster spoke to you in your second year about you and Tom?" She asked.

Harry frowned thoughtfully trying to remember that conversation.

" The one about us not being much different from each other?" He questioned.

Death nodded.

" Exactly." She nodded.

" Just give it a thought. You might find your answers." She replied and Harry lost consciousness.


Hey guys. I have brought you a new chapter. Well, I hope you guys will like this new version.

Harry is back in time. He spends time training. Then, he asks The Unspeakables for help and was provided with it. He gains valuable fighting experience for almost a year's time. Mind you, he has used the time turner too.

A horcrux gone. One hallow found. One on the way. Clues to his mission. Well this chapter had it all.

Please review your opinion. I am pleased that a lot of you have liked the fic. I will keep this work.

A meeting with his family is in order next. Let's wait and see about that.

Thank you and happy reading….


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