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So, this is late. I owe you all an explanation:

I have always typed my scripts into Notepad. I go through the chapter page by page translating, and after that's complete, I typeset it. That way typesetting is more a puzzle than relying on my keystroke accuracy, it reduces errors.

I had done the whole chapter, but I was in a bad mood, and I forgot to save every now and then. I was on the final panel. My computer crashed, and I lost everything. Hours of work. So I had to take a day to recover from that. I hope you understand.

Please enjoy the chapter, everyone!


Touch to Unlock (English, PerpetualSigh) | Chapter 96 | Cubari

Read chapter 96 of Touch to Unlock (English, PerpetualSigh) | Cubari



So, what do we do now with this ending? :(


Eagerly awaiting the next chapter’s translation 😁