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It has been a while since the last time I wrote for Patreon. Since Acheron was embraced, Stella, his daughter, became his touchstone. I wanted to know what happened to her, so I wrote her story. There are a few details about her dad and mom too. I hope you all like it:

I have never been the type to complain. I got that from my dad. He infected me with his ways. Good and bad. Mostly bad. He was a bit rebellious, always wanting to do the exact opposite of what people expected from him. He never cried. He looked cold, even distant, but he was actually melancholic, borderline dramatic. He used to be pretty quiet most of the time, except when he was having his outbursts. I remember thinking he would set the house on fire after fighting with his old man. Adrian hated our family, but he loved their money.

He was also gay. He never told me. That’s something I just knew. And I know I was a mistake, a huge mistake. At least, he wanted me. I was his mistake, and he was pretty possessive. Adrian fucking loved me. He loved how smart I was. If I was good, he was good.

Alessia is the so-called mom. She was never in the picture. I guess she was way too Christian to live with the guilt of an abortion, but too selfish to stick around after I was born. Cheers for dad. He tried to make me see things her way; she was younger than him, just got into college when he was already taking his PhD. I mean, she was poor, and had this one chance to study in a nice place, and NOT fuck it up. I know how these things are for women, but still, fuck her. Fuck Adrian too.

Dad died when I was 13. It was his fault. It was his cigarettes. And it was fucking brutal. He didn’t accept treatment. It wouldn’t have helped anyway. Alessia came around at the end. He asked her to take care of me. They didn’t let me see him at the hospital, and the funeral was closed casket. That’s how embarrassed Adrian’s family was. Alessia showed up, and the first conversation we had was in front of his coffin. She wasn’t that bad. But Adrian should have known his dying wish didn’t matter. Grandpa was stinking rich, and Alessia’s career in politics meant nothing. Grandpa didn’t care about me, my grandmother did. I was an opportunity to right the wrongs she did with Adrian.

Here’s another thing dad taught me: play the hand you’re dealt with.

I was a good girl. I was the best fucking girl ever. She smothered me with her love, her little angel, her little cupcake. When I got sick, she was insufferable. She made everything about her. And so, she took care of me, and she always knew exactly what to do to make me feel better. I blame her for my poor taste in men today. She made me run away every Friday night; out of the window with the dickest guy I could find to do the shittiest things I could think of. I didn’t care about them mistreating me. I kept thinking I was getting my little revenge. She would be horrified about the things I used to do at night. Imagine what she would think if she knew I did girls too. I mean... I kinda know how this story would go. Adrian was fuck up in the head because of his parents.

I was around 17 when one of the boys I hooked up with shared an intimate video of me online. You couldn’t see my face in it, but everyone I knew, they knew it was me. I don’t know how my video never got to my grandparents. Or maybe they knew, and decided to ignore it. Either way, as soon as I saw it, I went to Alessia because I knew she would get it. We bought a flasque of laxative, the strongest we could find. I went to his home, poured it into his coke, and gave him a night to remember. I also got a bit on camera, maybe it was when my filmmaking career started.

Soon after, I went to college. Cinema, of course. I like the artistic branch; I also love documentaries, and investigative pieces. Since I was 15, I put on my headphones every night before bed and listen to true crime to relax. Adrian was a journalist. He uncovered a lot of gruesome shit back on his days. I got that from him too, but I was never as committed as he was. I dropped college and started my own podcast, because that’s what gen Z do nowadays when they wanna make money. No one in my family approved. Not even Alessia backed me up on that. So, I had to make money on my own until my podcast earn me some. After the success my licked video made online, becoming a cam girl seemed like a small stretch. Making things on my own terms is different. Even when Nightly Nightmares got famous, I couldn’t drop the night job. I still feel that rebellious urge to do something no one would approve. I’m getting away with this secret. What else could I get away with?



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